Talk:Creationism/Archive index

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Discussion Topic Replies (estimated) Archive Link
Parental control of children 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Parental control of children
Is Creationism a hypothesis? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Is Creationism a hypothesis?
The current Creationism page is NOT about creationism 25 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The current Creationism page is NOT about creationism
KRS' additions 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#KRS' additions
Accusations of Eurocentric bias 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Accusations of Eurocentric bias
Christians supposedly controlling this article 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Christians supposedly controlling this article
Upper Case C for all mentions of Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Upper Case C for all mentions of Creationism
Definitions 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Definitions
Differing definitions from different dictionaries 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Differing definitions from different dictionaries
Arguments for Creationism 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Arguments for Creationism
Let's Stop Bickering 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Let's Stop Bickering
From a Biblecentric POV, Creationism is based on the Bible 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#From a Biblecentric POV, Creationism is based on the Bible
Proposed disambiguation notice 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Proposed disambiguation notice
How to go about changing the page 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#How to go about changing the page
Creationism as a theological topic 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism as a theological topic
Developing this page and related pages 18 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Developing this page and related pages
Looking for consensus on the Introduction 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Looking for consensus on the Introduction
Specific proposal as to what the introduction should look like 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Specific proposal as to what the introduction should look like
**Specific proposal container End** 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#**Specific proposal container End**
Sense in which an intepretation is "Literal" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Sense in which an intepretation is "Literal"
On recent changes after the intro 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#On recent changes after the intro
Changes in sequence 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Changes in sequence
Changes in meaning first para 28 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Changes in meaning first para
Traducianism 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Traducianism
fleshing out the historical background 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#fleshing out the historical background
Moderates 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Moderates
Right direction? 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Right direction?
Progress over Labor Day Weekend 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Progress over Labor Day Weekend
Joyce Arthur about creationism 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Joyce Arthur about creationism
Why didn't God create the world as scientists see and explain it? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Why didn't God create the world as scientists see and explain it?
Reptile - mammal transition 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Reptile - mammal transition
On the history of "the controversy" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#On the history of "the controversy"
The two creation stories in the Bible 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The two creation stories in the Bible
Lists of ex-creationists, ex-evolutionists 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Lists of ex-creationists, ex-evolutionists
Link section 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Link section
"Other arguments proposed by creationists include" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#"Other arguments proposed by creationists include"
Rename this article Scientific creationism 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Rename this article Scientific creationism
"Fundamentalist" is not NPOV? 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#"Fundamentalist" is not NPOV?
Creationism vs creation science? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism vs creation science?
New article on Ussher-Lightfoot Calendar 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#New article on Ussher-Lightfoot Calendar
Assumptions of creationists and Darwinists 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Assumptions of creationists and Darwinists
Listed on Cleanup 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Listed on Cleanup
NOT two Genesis creation accounts 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#NOT two Genesis creation accounts
The opening definition 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The opening definition
The Western World outside of the US 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The Western World outside of the US
Blue boxes 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Blue boxes
Creationism reading list 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism reading list
evolutionism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#evolutionism
Rejection of Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Rejection of Creationism
Evolutionists refuse to face reality 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Evolutionists refuse to face reality
Why am I reverting the article back? That which came after mine is generally unfocused and imprecise 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Why am I reverting the article back? That which came after mine is generally unfocused and imprecise
Capitalisation 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Capitalisation 2
Is "creationism" a belief, an explanation, or a theory? 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Is "creationism" a belief, an explanation, or a theory?
Is "creationism" a belief, an explanation, or a theory? 11 Talk:Creationism/Is Creationism a theory#Is "creationism" a belief, an explanation, or a theory?
Creation accounts in Genesis 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creation accounts in Genesis
Not all Christians are creationists 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Not all Christians are creationists
Votes for Retention or Modification of initial definition 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Votes for Retention or Modification of initial definition
science doesn't distinguish macro- from microevolution? 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#science doesn't distinguish macro- from microevolution?
Fixity of species 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Fixity of species
What is wrong with the lead section of Creationism? 31 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#What is wrong with the lead section of Creationism? 2
What is wrong with the lead section of Creationism? 31 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#What is wrong with the lead section of Creationism?
History of creationism 29 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#History of creationism 2
Summary statements of participants in the above discussion 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Summary statements of participants in the above discussion
Summary statements of participants in the above discussion 2 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#Summary statements of participants in the above discussion
In what way would a history view contradict a science view? 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#In what way would a history view contradict a science view?
In what way would a history view contradict a science view? 7 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#In what way would a history view contradict a science view?
What Points-of-View should get "air-time" on the Creationism page? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#What Points-of-View should get "air-time" on the Creationism page?
What Points-of-View should get "air-time" on the Creationism page? 2 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#What Points-of-View should get "air-time" on the Creationism page?
Dealing with campaigns promoting a POV slant 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Dealing with campaigns promoting a POV slant
"POV" Headings 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#"POV" Headings
"POV" Headings 4 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#"POV" Headings
No civilized approach would allow science to own the word and definition of "theory" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#No civilized approach would allow science to own the word and definition of "theory"
No civilized approach would allow science to own the word and definition of "theory" 2 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#No civilized approach would allow science to own the word and definition of "theory"
The creationists' points-of-view should dominate the lead section of Creationism 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The creationists' points-of-view should dominate the lead section of Creationism
The creationists' points-of-view should dominate the lead section of Creationism 6 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#The creationists' points-of-view should dominate the lead section of Creationism
Majority NOT most, Not serious debate?! Needs to be defined 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Majority NOT most, Not serious debate?! Needs to be defined
Ed Poor butts in 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Ed Poor butts in
Ed Poor butts in 1 Talk:Creationism/What is wrong with the lead section#Ed Poor butts in
Speed of Light 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Speed of Light
Micro, macro, and selection 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Micro, macro, and selection
Selection as a creative force 61 Talk:Creationism/Selection as a creative force#Selection as a creative force
Incredible slant toward Christianity (concerning Judaism in particular). 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Incredible slant toward Christianity (concerning Judaism in particular).
Rant-ish: Creationism is the opposite of .. um Evolutionism!? 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Rant-ish: Creationism is the opposite of .. um Evolutionism!?
Completion of the Creationism page break out to reduce Creationism page size 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Completion of the Creationism page break out to reduce Creationism page size
Notable evolutionary biologists who believe in god 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Notable evolutionary biologists who believe in god
Retroactive proposals on Accounts in Genesis section 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Retroactive proposals on Accounts in Genesis section
POV of the page title Creation accounts in Genesis 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#POV of the page title Creation accounts in Genesis
Essay by, for discussion 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Essay by, for discussion
The Edwards v. Aguillard quote 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The Edwards v. Aguillard quote
The Edwards v. Aguillard quote 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The Edwards v. Aguillard quote 2
contentious phrase 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#contentious phrase
Creation in Australia 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creation in Australia
Creation in Australia 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creation in Australia 2
Something went wrong 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Something went wrong
Something went wrong 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Something went wrong 2
Creationism and philosophical naturalism section 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism and philosophical naturalism section
Creationism and philosophical naturalism section 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism and philosophical naturalism section 2
Does anybody else think this page needs a major reworking? 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Does anybody else think this page needs a major reworking?
Does anybody else think this page needs a major reworking? 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Does anybody else think this page needs a major reworking? 2
defining yec 77 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#defining yec
defining yec 77 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#defining yec 2
new revert war 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#new revert war
new revert war 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#new revert war 2
biblical literalism 35 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#biblical literalism
biblical literalism 35 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#biblical literalism 2
incomprehension 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#incomprehension
incomprehension 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#incomprehension 2
Creationist arguments 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationist arguments
Creationist arguments 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationist arguments 2
dispute tag 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#dispute tag
dispute tag 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#dispute tag 2
roman catholics 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#roman catholics
roman catholics 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#roman catholics 2
eurosuperiority? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#eurosuperiority?
eurosuperiority? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#eurosuperiority? 2
Question 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Question
Question 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Question 2
Non-creationist or Anti-creationist link 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Non-creationist or Anti-creationist link
creation science criticism in the intro. 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#creation science criticism in the intro.
"Childish Vandalism" 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#"Childish Vandalism"
well written criticism of creation science on the wrong page. 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#well written criticism of creation science on the wrong page.
Creationism vis-a-vis science sub-section and move 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Creationism vis-a-vis science sub-section and move
Motion to move the Creation-evolution controversy to the Creation-evolution controversy page 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Motion to move the Creation-evolution controversy to the Creation-evolution controversy page
framework. 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#framework.
The problem with this article in a nutshell... 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#The problem with this article in a nutshell...
Criticisms section again 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Criticisms section again
Ah yes. 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Ah yes.
A modest proposal 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#A modest proposal
Rejection of science in definition? 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Rejection of science in definition?
common ancestry with apes 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#common ancestry with apes
Revert war brewing... 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Revert war brewing...
This is ridiculous! 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#This is ridiculous!
Subject of this page 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Subject of this page
On "evolutionary creationism" / "theistic evolution" 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#On "evolutionary creationism" / "theistic evolution"
50 ...under the guise of science... 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#50 ...under the guise of science...
Rewrote "Criticisms of Creationism" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Rewrote "Criticisms of Creationism"
Request for rewrite of Defences of Creationism 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Request for rewrite of Defences of Creationism
Refrence to the CSAMA 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Refrence to the CSAMA
English 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#English
Removed paragraph 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 1#Removed paragraph
Removal of two sections to creation-evolution controversy 22 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Removal of two sections to creation-evolution controversy
NPOVing a section; aka (essay) 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#NPOVing a section; aka (essay)
Definition 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Definition
Archives 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Archives
AiG link 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#AiG link
Modern Geocentrism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Modern Geocentrism
Moved stuff: creationism, Creation (theology), Abrahamic creationism 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Moved stuff: creationism, Creation (theology), Abrahamic creationism
Panspermia as Creation Myth 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Panspermia as Creation Myth
Deleted Link 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Deleted Link
Merging with 'Origins beliefs' 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Merging with 'Origins beliefs'
Revert of Scientific Creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Revert of Scientific Creationism
Defining creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Defining creationism
Myth/Belief/Theory 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Myth/Belief/Theory
explanation for cut 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#explanation for cut
Cosmetics 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Cosmetics
New 'Criticism' section 19 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#New 'Criticism' section
Salva/Aargh monologues 24 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Salva/Aargh monologues
Constructive criticism 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#Constructive criticism
Should we seek consensus before editing? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#Should we seek consensus before editing?
Some changes 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Some changes
Copyright status of image? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Copyright status of image?
Truthteller's critique 10 Talk:Creationism/Ranting#Truthteller's critique
Approaching Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 12#Approaching Creationism
(Dis)Proving creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#(Dis)Proving creationism
Personal commentary 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#Personal commentary
redundancy 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#redundancy
The Soul 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#The Soul
Kent Hovind; Bringing down specific people 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#Kent Hovind; Bringing down specific people
multiple reverts on the "no conflict" passage 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 13#multiple reverts on the "no conflict" passage
POV problems in 'Miscellaneous critique of creationism' section 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#POV problems in 'Miscellaneous critique of creationism' section
Miscellaneous critique of creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Miscellaneous critique of creationism
Debate within scientific circles 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Debate within scientific circles
Deleted the "misc critique" section 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Deleted the "misc critique" section
Introduction 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Introduction
Length 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Length
Geocentrism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Geocentrism
Fact v. Theory of evolution 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Fact v. Theory of evolution
Pseudoscience 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Pseudoscience 2
Not 3RR 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Not 3RR
Augustine and YEC 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Augustine and YEC
evolutionary creationism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#evolutionary creationism
Calling creationism "pseudoscience" and atheism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Calling creationism "pseudoscience" and atheism
External links 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#External links
kdbuffalo statement 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#kdbuffalo statement
Bias Parrots in the writing 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Bias Parrots in the writing
Religious context 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Religious context
Wikipedia Bias 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 14#Wikipedia Bias
Sorry for trouble 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Sorry for trouble
Revert by Ec5618 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Revert by Ec5618
Religious context 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Religious context
intro explanation 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#intro explanation
NPOV 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#NPOV
Subheader 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Subheader
Recently removed from this article: Creation Dates 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Recently removed from this article: Creation Dates
Part of a series 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Part of a series
Geocentrism 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Geocentrism
Removed from article 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Removed from article
New proposal for ID sim/diff/confl section 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#New proposal for ID sim/diff/confl section
question about educational reform 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#question about educational reform
Verification 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Verification
Citations for ID quotes 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Citations for ID quotes
Creationism in Pop Culture 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Creationism in Pop Culture
Criticism/Evaluation of creationism 22 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Criticism/Evaluation of creationism
Needs more creation myths 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Needs more creation myths
publication 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#publication
POV 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#POV
Rossnixon's advocacy 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Rossnixon's advocacy
Finding Darwin's God 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Finding Darwin's God
spelling 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#spelling
question 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#question
Concerns about the Opening 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Concerns about the Opening
Flying Spaghetti Monsterism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Flying Spaghetti Monsterism
Nonsense 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Nonsense
Creation science edits 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Creation science edits
Template deletions? 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Template deletions?
That Poll thing... 30 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#That Poll thing...
Changes to education in the UK 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Changes to education in the UK
The new stuff in the controversy area 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#The new stuff in the controversy area
New Section is Needed 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#New Section is Needed
Please, please, please 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Please, please, please
NPOV 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#NPOV 2
Name of God 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Name of God
Naturalistic explanations or explanations of natural phenomena 23 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Naturalistic explanations or explanations of natural phenomena
Pending tasks 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Pending tasks
Scientific critique of creationism 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Scientific critique of creationism
Theistic evolution 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Theistic evolution
Creationism and Politics? 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Creationism and Politics?
Intelligent Design Section 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Intelligent Design Section
Intelligent Design Section 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Intelligent Design Section 2
Name one conservative who fits this 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Name one conservative who fits this
Pending Tasks 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Pending Tasks 2
Naturalism does discount supernatural phenomena 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Naturalism does discount supernatural phenomena
Human Origins 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Human Origins
Abrupt appearance 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Abrupt appearance
Catholic Church 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Catholic Church
Teleological argument 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Teleological argument
Young Earth Creationist Stats 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Young Earth Creationist Stats
Poisoning the well 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 15#Poisoning the well
Creationism and the supernatural 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Creationism and the supernatural
2RR 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#2RR
A poorly researched edit 29 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#A poorly researched edit
Creation Science section 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Creation Science section
Creationism in Islam? 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Creationism in Islam?
"try to incorporate" as opposed to "incorporate" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#"try to incorporate" as opposed to "incorporate"
ARGH 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#ARGH
Creationism is the "active" acceptance? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Creationism is the "active" acceptance?
GA Re-Review and In-line citations 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#GA Re-Review and In-line citations
TOCleft 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#TOCleft
Unverifiable 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Unverifiable
Sermon? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Sermon?
"Creationism" (immediate divine creation) v. Traducianism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#"Creationism" (immediate divine creation) v. Traducianism
Yeast and Chimpanzees paragraph 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Yeast and Chimpanzees paragraph
American Point of View 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#American Point of View
Categories: Articles with unsourced statements 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Categories: Articles with unsourced statements
Removing True origins link 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Removing True origins link
The "Scientific critique of creationism" section takes a sober turn 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#The "Scientific critique of creationism" section takes a sober turn
Summary and Overview 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Summary and Overview
Question regarding the "current scientific consensus regarding the origin of life" 16 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Question regarding the "current scientific consensus regarding the origin of life"
When did the intro get changed with the numbers? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#When did the intro get changed with the numbers?
Creationism = Origin Beliefs? 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Creationism = Origin Beliefs?
Day/age and Relativisitc creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Day/age and Relativisitc creationism
"evidence of Creation" article 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#"evidence of Creation" article
Proposal to open up discussion to debate Creationism 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Proposal to open up discussion to debate Creationism
Introduction to creationism, or a clean up of the Lead 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Introduction to creationism, or a clean up of the Lead
Creationist car?? 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Creationist car??
Other faiths 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Other faiths
Proposed Changes 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Proposed Changes
Scientific Critque Removed 40 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Scientific Critque Removed
Questions for Creationist 61 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Questions for Creationist
Why the supernatural can not be part of science 35 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#Why the supernatural can not be part of science
criticism of creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 16#criticism of creationism
Cleaning up article: evolution not part of creationism. 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Cleaning up article: evolution not part of creationism.
Christian and Scientific Critiques both need re-writing 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Christian and Scientific Critiques both need re-writing
conservative - semantics 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#conservative - semantics
abiogenesis 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#abiogenesis
Second paragraph reference 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Second paragraph reference
"teach religion" versus "providing religious instruction" 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#"teach religion" versus "providing religious instruction"
Rough draft of article on creationist organization 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Rough draft of article on creationist organization
NPOV? 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#NPOV?
Before we try to destroy each other.... 16 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Before we try to destroy each other....
Special Creationism 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Special Creationism
Widely reported Newsweek article 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Widely reported Newsweek article
NPoV ?? 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#NPoV ??
Prevalence of creationism (topic order?) 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Prevalence of creationism (topic order?)
"Guided" evolution 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#"Guided" evolution
"interpretation" can't make anything consistent that isn't already consistent 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#"interpretation" can't make anything consistent that isn't already consistent
questions from new person 17 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#questions from new person
Biblical creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Biblical creationism
Table 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Table
Creationism and Common descent 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Creationism and Common descent
47% Americans 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#47% Americans
Islamic creationism and other focus problems 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Islamic creationism and other focus problems
Pseudoscience 40 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Pseudoscience
The marble image: suggestion 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#The marble image: suggestion
Moved "Creation of Light" image 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Moved "Creation of Light" image
Changes 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Changes
Cleanup 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Cleanup
Creationism sidebar 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Creationism sidebar
Comment 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Comment
Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Creationism
Accuracy of the article 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#Accuracy of the article
"Macroevolution" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 17#"Macroevolution"
NPOV 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#NPOV
Libs Still Controlling Wiki I See? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Libs Still Controlling Wiki I See?
Contrast to Evolution 18 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Contrast to Evolution
Vague and nebulous 28 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Vague and nebulous
What? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#What?
"Evidence is not a point of view" claim 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#"Evidence is not a point of view" claim
Recolonisation theory 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Recolonisation theory
Other religious creationist movements 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Other religious creationist movements
Statement added to article intro by Keepyouhonest 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Statement added to article intro by Keepyouhonest
Disambiguation 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Disambiguation
Clarification of two points 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Clarification of two points
Clarification of the clarification 29 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Clarification of the clarification
ID and public schools 26 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#ID and public schools
Creatianism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Creatianism
Neutral Point of View 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Neutral Point of View
Scientific critique 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Scientific critique
Definition of creationism 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Definition of creationism
How the term is "most often" used 19 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#How the term is "most often" used
An undiscussed undoing 24 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#An undiscussed undoing
BTW 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#BTW
Sentence about rulings 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Sentence about rulings
Mainstream churches and timeframes 31 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Mainstream churches and timeframes
Creationism Definition Proposal 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Creationism Definition Proposal
there is wiki about evolution writen from the POV of science, are there wikis on creation writen from the POV of each religion? 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#there is wiki about evolution writen from the POV of science, are there wikis on creation writen from the POV of each religion?
Covering range of meanings in the lead 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Covering range of meanings in the lead
Proposal: Intelligent Design Not Creationism 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Proposal: Intelligent Design Not Creationism
Evolution and creationism, Can they go hand in hand??? 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Evolution and creationism, Can they go hand in hand???
Answers by Numbers 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Answers by Numbers
Creationism is the false belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their entirety by a deity or deities 52 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Creationism is the false belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their entirety by a deity or deities
books to consider 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#books to consider
New section 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#New section
Introduction 16 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Introduction
Catholic position 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#Catholic position
First and lead-in sentence about the the belief that it is from tradition 16 Talk:Creationism/Archive 18#First and lead-in sentence about the the belief that it is from tradition
Council of Europe - Resolution 1580 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Council of Europe - Resolution 1580
Presupposition 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Presupposition
Recent edits regarding YEC being discredited 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Recent edits regarding YEC being discredited
I removed truth fish logo because is innapropriate. 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#I removed truth fish logo because is innapropriate.
Capitalisation of "Biblical" 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Capitalisation of "Biblical"
Oriental Orthodox position on Creationism 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Oriental Orthodox position on Creationism
Holders of view 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Holders of view
"biblical" or "Biblical"? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#"biblical" or "Biblical"?
Suggested changes: 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Suggested changes:
Rejection of evolution 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Rejection of evolution
Many colors in the spectrum of thought 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Many colors in the spectrum of thought
Creationism is Fundamentally a Philosophical Issue... Not Necesarily a Religious One 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creationism is Fundamentally a Philosophical Issue... Not Necesarily a Religious One
How interesting... 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#How interesting...
Original Research? 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Original Research?
I'm the one who posted the Original Research 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#I'm the one who posted the Original Research
Creationism is a scientific theory 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creationism is a scientific theory
Creationism is as falsifiable as Darwin’s theory of evolution 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creationism is as falsifiable as Darwin’s theory of evolution
Types of Christian creationism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Types of Christian creationism
Pharyngula link 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Pharyngula link
irreducible complexity 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#irreducible complexity
Suggestion to address POV in first paragraph 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Suggestion to address POV in first paragraph
Proposed Day-Age addition 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Proposed Day-Age addition
Creation Research Society 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creation Research Society
Richard Dawkins Foundation EL 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Richard Dawkins Foundation EL
CreationWiki 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#CreationWiki
Creationism and Oxford study of religious belief 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creationism and Oxford study of religious belief
Scientific critique 17 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Scientific critique
Protection 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Protection
Creationism on Other Pages 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Creationism on Other Pages
Misleading 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Misleading
Material based on unreliable sources 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Material based on unreliable sources article is biased 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19# article is biased
Creationism as a metaphysical hypothesis 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Creationism as a metaphysical hypothesis
Criticism of polling techniques? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Criticism of polling techniques?
Pastafarianism 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Pastafarianism
Misrepresentation 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Misrepresentation
In their original form 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#In their original form
Theistic evolution vs Evolutionary creationism 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Theistic evolution vs Evolutionary creationism
Recent edit. 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Recent edit.
Theistic Evolution, Evolutionary Creation, Evolutionary Creationism and Creationism 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Theistic Evolution, Evolutionary Creation, Evolutionary Creationism and Creationism
Definition in the lead 172 Talk:Creationism/Archive 19#Definition in the lead
Why is 'Creationism' an article? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Why is 'Creationism' an article?
Should 'Creationism' be organized as a Recruitment Booklet? 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Should 'Creationism' be organized as a Recruitment Booklet?
Reference to Berlusconi 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 20#Reference to Berlusconi
Would distinguishing Disciplines & their Vocabularies clarify this Subject? 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 20#Would distinguishing Disciplines & their Vocabularies clarify this Subject?
"Additional references" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 20#"Additional references"
Over-intellectualization 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Over-intellectualization
Wikipedia:Creation-evolution table 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Wikipedia:Creation-evolution table
Undesired outcomes 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Undesired outcomes
More balance required in this article, edits twice reverted by DVdm 38 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#More balance required in this article, edits twice reverted by DVdm
Undue weight 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Undue weight
Suggested Edit 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Suggested Edit
The Science of Creationism 19 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#The Science of Creationism
Bruce Bathurst/Geologist's concerns 25 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Bruce Bathurst/Geologist's concerns
N/A under Humanity for ID in summary table? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#N/A under Humanity for ID in summary table?
How to classify ID 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#How to classify ID
Why this article exists 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Why this article exists
Fix the references 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Fix the references
Creating a graph for section 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Creating a graph for section
AfD for True.Origin Archive 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#AfD for True.Origin Archive
"Intelligent design creationist/-ism" is not a neutral term 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#"Intelligent design creationist/-ism" is not a neutral term
protection 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#protection
Impotence 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Impotence
Please add link in External links, Evolution" 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Please add link in External links, Evolution"
Creationism outside Genesis 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Creationism outside Genesis
Multiple creators? 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Multiple creators?
Literal? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Literal?
Bias of representing Christian views 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Bias of representing Christian views
A missing dimension to the article? 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#A missing dimension to the article?
This article is unbalanced and editing reveals POV 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#This article is unbalanced and editing reveals POV
47 percent?! 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#47 percent?!
Does Theistic evolution belong in this article? 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Does Theistic evolution belong in this article?
Lead and references 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Lead and references
Christian critique. 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Christian critique.
Movements? 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Movements?
Non-"religious" creationism? 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Non-"religious" creationism?
Outside the United States - deleted chart 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Outside the United States - deleted chart
Replacement charts 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Replacement charts
Relevance of views on evolution 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#Relevance of views on evolution
"Americans believe that" graph 26 Talk:Creationism/Archive 21#"Americans believe that" graph
Is there a supporter politicians section for Sarah Palin 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Is there a supporter politicians section for Sarah Palin
Let's DISCUSS the Bar Chart yet again 46 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Let's DISCUSS the Bar Chart yet again
Americans believe... 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Americans believe...
Let's Vote on the Issue of the Bar Chart 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Let's Vote on the Issue of the Bar Chart
Hinduism and creationism edit 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Hinduism and creationism edit
New resource - NCSE makes available online the Creation/Evolution Journal 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#New resource - NCSE makes available online the Creation/Evolution Journal
Definition of "creationism" (again) 17 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Definition of "creationism" (again)
Genetic engineering, universe simulation etc. 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Genetic engineering, universe simulation etc.
C. S. Lewis 22 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#C. S. Lewis
Christianity section - none of the creation theories are based on Christ's teachings.... they should be labelled biblical creationism not Christian creationism 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Christianity section - none of the creation theories are based on Christ's teachings.... they should be labelled biblical creationism not Christian creationism
'Judaism and Christianity' intro 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#'Judaism and Christianity' intro
"Allah" vs "God" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#"Allah" vs "God"
"Prevalence" section 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#"Prevalence" section
Original research on relationship to book of Genesis 23 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Original research on relationship to book of Genesis
Christian myth? 17 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Christian myth?
Hideous POV issues 30 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Hideous POV issues
Seeking consensus to change "myth" to "story" 50 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#Seeking consensus to change "myth" to "story"
The second sentence is awkward and imprecise 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 22#The second sentence is awkward and imprecise
Gallup Poll about Young Earth Creationism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Gallup Poll about Young Earth Creationism
Realistic 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Realistic
Religious belief 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Religious belief
Dating back to the time of Jesus... 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Dating back to the time of Jesus...
Lutheran belief 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Lutheran belief
Changing legit Wiki Links 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Changing legit Wiki Links
Religious belief, revisited 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Religious belief, revisited
Growing evidence for naturalistic explanations 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Growing evidence for naturalistic explanations
revert by Scientizzle 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#revert by Scientizzle
Theory 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Theory
Evolution of the debate 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Evolution of the debate
NPOV issue 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#NPOV issue
NOMA 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#NOMA
Possible sources 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Possible sources
Refocus of first para 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Refocus of first para
I have moved the below section from the main Creationism page to the talk page because it is irrelevant to the main topic. The article is about Creationism, not evolution. 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#I have moved the below section from the main Creationism page to the talk page because it is irrelevant to the main topic. The article is about Creationism, not evolution.
Final say 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Final say
Creation Science 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Creation Science
Slanted 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Slanted
Biased 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Biased
Minor Changes 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Minor Changes
"Many Christians around the world today accept evolution as the most likely explanation for the origins of species" 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#"Many Christians around the world today accept evolution as the most likely explanation for the origins of species"
Native American Creationism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Native American Creationism
Archives 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Archives
"Evolutionist" a pejorative? 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#"Evolutionist" a pejorative?
Regarding "evolutionist" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Regarding "evolutionist"
Creationism Intro 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Creationism Intro
"Types of Biblical creationism" section 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#"Types of Biblical creationism" section
Misquoting Maimonides 28 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Misquoting Maimonides
Strong relationship between religion and politics in contemporary America 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Strong relationship between religion and politics in contemporary America
Growing evidence for evolution 15 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Growing evidence for evolution 2
Lutherans 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Lutherans
Judaism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Judaism
Claims vs. statements 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Claims vs. statements
Section titled "Christianity" - formerly "Judaism and Christianity 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Section titled "Christianity" - formerly "Judaism and Christianity
Sensu Strictu Creationism 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Sensu Strictu Creationism
Theistic evolution 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Theistic evolution
Andrew McIntosh 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Andrew McIntosh
Abrahamic God 39 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Abrahamic God
Identical chart appears twice in article 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Identical chart appears twice in article
Creationism is not co-terminous with Christian belief 16 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Creationism is not co-terminous with Christian belief
"Creationism internationally" is full o' bull 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#"Creationism internationally" is full o' bull
Creationism Internationally / Prevalence 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Creationism Internationally / Prevalence
Evolution in Hinduism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Evolution in Hinduism
Denialism category 22 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Denialism category
Possible Cultural Bias Contributing to Weight Issue 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Possible Cultural Bias Contributing to Weight Issue
Young Earth Creation 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Young Earth Creation
Hawking quotation 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 23#Hawking quotation
Origins of antievolution 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Origins of antievolution
Incomprehensible statement 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Incomprehensible statement
United Kingdom 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#United Kingdom
Theos survey 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Theos survey
Creationism textbooks teach Loch Ness monster is real;dinosaurs were fire-breathing dragons; praise the Ku Klux Klan 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Creationism textbooks teach Loch Ness monster is real;dinosaurs were fire-breathing dragons; praise the Ku Klux Klan
'Empirical' 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#'Empirical'
Empirical evidence is observable 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Empirical evidence is observable
Image 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Image
Latest Gallup Poll 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Latest Gallup Poll
Links, may be used in the section about creationism per country 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Links, may be used in the section about creationism per country
Creationism in the UK section 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Creationism in the UK section
Remove non-creationist sections! 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Remove non-creationist sections!
Definition problem 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Definition problem
Contradiction with theistic evolution vs. OEC 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Contradiction with theistic evolution vs. OEC
Undue weight in lede? 26 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Undue weight in lede?
About categories... 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#About categories...
Error in Content 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Error in Content
Turkey 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Turkey
Scholarly view on Teaching Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Scholarly view on Teaching Creationism
See Also section 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#See Also section
Removal of the word Pseudoscience. 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Removal of the word Pseudoscience.
Gallup Poll 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Gallup Poll
wp:verifiability 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#wp:verifiability
Scientific dissent from darwinism 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Scientific dissent from darwinism
Situation in Germany 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Situation in Germany
New Pew poll released 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#New Pew poll released
Ken Ham, "Scientist" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Ken Ham, "Scientist"
Definition of 'Creationist' 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Definition of 'Creationist'
Types of Creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Types of Creationism
First sentence 19 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#First sentence
issue about "pseudoscience" 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#issue about "pseudoscience"
Category:Pseudoscience 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Category:Pseudoscience
History 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#History
Darwinism v Evolution 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Darwinism v Evolution
quick note on edit made to intelligent design section 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#quick note on edit made to intelligent design section
Encyclopædia Britannica win at NPOV 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Encyclopædia Britannica win at NPOV
Doctrine of Creation 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Doctrine of Creation
creation myths 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#creation myths
Unsourced Content Should be Tagged, if not Removed 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Unsourced Content Should be Tagged, if not Removed
Need to clarify education levels 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Need to clarify education levels
Belief or theory 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Belief or theory
Soft tissue in dinosaur fossils 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Soft tissue in dinosaur fossils
References 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#References
Terms... 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Terms...
Creationism schools uk 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Creationism schools uk
Wording of the use 'myth' 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Wording of the use 'myth'
Creating a category for all religions who believe in creationism 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Creating a category for all religions who believe in creationism
"The vastness of pace" 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#"The vastness of pace"
pseudoscience? 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#pseudoscience?
Bad cite to 'scientists say' 12 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Bad cite to 'scientists say'
Y'all please just TALK it out 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Y'all please just TALK it out
Talk - Line 1 31 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Talk - Line 1
TALK - line 2 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#TALK - line 2
'Branches' in lead 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#'Branches' in lead
NPOV Dispute 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#NPOV Dispute
Evolutionary interpretation of Hinduism 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Evolutionary interpretation of Hinduism
Theological viewpoint 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Theological viewpoint
Category:Pseudoscience 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Category:Pseudoscience 2
Views of Dovid Gottlieb 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Views of Dovid Gottlieb
Life timeline 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Life timeline
Movement / Lede 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Movement / Lede
Kelvin paradox and the role of the sun 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Kelvin paradox and the role of the sun
Categories 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Categories
Postmodern creation myth 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Postmodern creation myth
Scofield's Bible, dispensational, and premillennialism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Scofield's Bible, dispensational, and premillennialism
Legal Cases / chronology 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 24#Legal Cases / chronology
Social Darwinism 17 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Social Darwinism
History beyound the US 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#History beyound the US
Resurgence or presence 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Resurgence or presence
Editorializing 11 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Editorializing
Creationism#Criticism 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Creationism#Criticism
Gould quote in the lead 14 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Gould quote in the lead
American Scientific Affiliation 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#American Scientific Affiliation
Trimming of ancient/medieval/restoration history of creationism 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Trimming of ancient/medieval/restoration history of creationism
Scope of this article vs History of creationism 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Scope of this article vs History of creationism
Types of creationism 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Types of creationism
Creationism by country 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Creationism by country
smithsonian EL 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#smithsonian EL
Significant presence in further countries/faith positions by the 1980s 3 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Significant presence in further countries/faith positions by the 1980s
External links modified 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#External links modified
Philosophical as well as religious. 20 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Philosophical as well as religious.
Fact vs conclusion, etc 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Fact vs conclusion, etc
cat:Denialism 13 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#cat:Denialism
External links modified 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#External links modified 2
Definition 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Definition
Removing OR, replacing with phrase supported by sources. 10 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Removing OR, replacing with phrase supported by sources.
Creationism & pseudoscience 5 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Creationism & pseudoscience
Flat earthism 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Flat earthism
"Obscure + largely discounted"? Who says? Prove it. 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#"Obscure + largely discounted"? Who says? Prove it.
Jehovah's Witnesses 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Jehovah's Witnesses
Semi-protected edit request on 16 April 2018 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Semi-protected edit request on 16 April 2018
"Humans" vs. "Mankind" 6 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#"Humans" vs. "Mankind"
Merriam-Webster definition of "mankind" 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Merriam-Webster definition of "mankind"
King James Version? 8 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#King James Version?
Extent of note 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Extent of note
The first sentence is an incorrect citation and seems to be plainly false 21 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#The first sentence is an incorrect citation and seems to be plainly false
Why is the Oxford Dictionary definition cut? The allusion to evolution is deleted 4 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Why is the Oxford Dictionary definition cut? The allusion to evolution is deleted
Tower of Babel 7 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Tower of Babel
Lede 28 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Lede
Semi-protected edit request on 25 April 2019 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Semi-protected edit request on 25 April 2019
Scientific methods and Mythology 9 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Scientific methods and Mythology
Nomination of Portal:Creationism for deletion 1 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Nomination of Portal:Creationism for deletion
Biased Statement 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Biased Statement
Semi-protected edit request on 15 December 2019 2 Talk:Creationism/Archive 25#Semi-protected edit request on 15 December 2019

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