Talk:Turkestan Military District

The Turkestani military district (ТВО) with a staff in Tashkent has been created during pre-war time as Средне¬азиатский and covered territory Kazakh (without 3 areas), Turkmen, Uzbek, Tadjik and Киргиз¬ской ССР. Right after wars, on July, 9th, 1945, have been renamed in Turkestani (here there has arrived management of 1-st Shock army with 1-st, 119-th СК - all divisions), and a part of territory (Kazakh ССР without northwest areas) has passed to new Steppe district (it is created on the basis of management of 4-th Shock army with a staff in Alma-Ata, ordering general-lieutenant P.S.Kurbatkin) 21. In May, 1946 the district has been again incorporated, and in January 1958 from the abolished South-Ural military district in its submission the territory Aktyubinsk, Guryev I West-Kazakhstan areas Kazakh ССР has passed. In 1969 the district has been cut down up to territory Uzbek and Turkmen ССР.

In total in 1990 in district was approximately 280 thousand military men; 2,2 thousand tanks (plus 2680 deduced from the Europe); 4,5 thousand fighting бронированных machines; 2,3 thousand instruments, mortars and РСЗО; 260 fighting and transport helicopters.

Text copied from Feskov et al 2004 - in process of abstracting for main article Buckshot06 04:12, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Округ (был создан в период обострения отношений с Китаем 24 июня 1969 г. путем выделения из состава Туркестанского округа территорий Казахской, Киргизской и Таджикской ССР. На его территории дислоцировались 32-я общевойсковая армия и 17-й армейский корпус- всего 1 танковая и 7 мотострелковых дивизий, соединения центрального и окружного подчинения Авиационную поддержку осуществляли 73-я В А, а воздушное прикрытие - части 12-й и 14-й армий ПВО. С 1 июня 1989 г. округ вновь объединен с Туркестанским округом.

Выполняя решения Пленума ЦК, министерство обороны СССР образовало Среднеазиатский военный округ, охватывающий территории Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, его штаб разместился в г. Алматы. По распоряжению военного округа в Кыргызстане дислоцировался армейский корпус, один из его полков разместился в Балыкчи, второй - в Нарыне, третий - в Оше, четвертый – в Чуйской долине. Армейский корпус имел все необходимые виды вооружения (танки, бронемашины, ракетные установки, эскадрильи боевых самолетов и др.).

District (has been created during strain of relations with China on June, 24th, 1969 by allocation from structure of Turkestani district of territories Kazakh, Kirghiz and Tadjik ССР. In its territory 32-nd were deployed общевойсковая army and by 17-th army корпус-only 1 tank and 7 motor-shooting divisions, connections of the central and district submission Aviation support carried out 73-rd In And, and air covering - parts of 12-th and 14-th armies of air defence. Since June, 1st, 1989 the district is again incorporated with Turkestani District Carrying out decisions of Plenum of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Defence of the USSR has formed the Central Asian military district covering territories of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, its staff was placed in a of Almaty. Under the order of military district the army case, one of it second was deployed in Kyrgyzstan полков was placed in Балыкчи, - in Naryn, the third - in Оше, the fourth – in Чуйской to a valley. The army case had all necessary kinds of arms

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