Tanya Tull (born 1943) is a leading expert in family homelessness in America.[1] In 1980 she founded Para Los Ninos (For the Children),[2] in reaction to an article she read in the Los Angeles Times concerning children living in Skid Row hotels. Para Los Ninos began as a childcare center that blossomed into a full range family service center utilizing renovated warehouses in Skid Row, Los Angeles.[3][4] Today Para Los Ninos also operates charter schools in Central Los Angeles.[5]
In 1983 Tull co-founded L.A. Family Housing,[6][7] a nonprofit that creates permanent housing and maintains emergency shelters. In 1988, she created and established two more nonprofit agencies: Beyond Shelter[8] and A Community of Friends.[9] A Community of Friends develops permanent supportive housing for the homeless mentally ill. “Housing first for families,” was Tull's mission statement for Beyond Shelter.[10] Beyond Shelter became a workshop for social change and promoted the “housing first” approach for families nationally and internationally for the next two decades. The focus on helping families to relocate from shelters into rental housing as rapidly as possible introduced an innovation in the field at the time, represented today by Rapid Rehousing programs in the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009.[11] In 2011, Tull founded Partnering for Change[12] to: “ Promote and facilitate strategies in communities that ensure access to stable and adequate housing as the vital platform for child and family health and well-being.”[13]