Turquoise | |
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Hex triplet | #40E0D0 |
sRGBB (r, g, b) | (64, 224, 208) |
HSV (h, s, v) | (174°, 71%, 88%) |
CIELChuv (L, C, h) | (81, 59, 179°) |
Source | X11 |
ISCC–NBS descriptor | Brilliant bluish green |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Turquoise (/ˈtɜːrk(w)ɔɪz/ TUR-k(w)oyz) is a cyan color, based on the mineral of the same name. The word turquoise dates to the 17th century and is derived from the French turquois, meaning 'Turkish', because the mineral was first brought to Europe through Turkey from mines in the historical Khorasan province of Iran (Persia) and Afghanistan today.[1][2][3] The first recorded use of turquoise as a color name in English was in 1573.[4]
The X11 color named turquoise is displayed on the right.