their, to, your, its, ...
This users english is far from being perfect!.
AIM-0 | This user does not understand or have any interest in AOLer. |
 | This user is crunching numbers using BOINC. |
This user greatly admires and respects
Thomas Jefferson for inspiring revolutions around the world.
 | This user is an admirer of Borges. |
 | This user recognizes Molière as a master of comedy. |
 | This user knows it's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. |
This user's favourite novel is Catch-22.
 | This user is a fan of Dune. |
 | This user thinks that you are a twit! |
Sin City | This user knows that if you walk down the right back alley in Sin City, you can find anything... |
Blade Runner
This user thinks Blade Runner is one of the best science fiction films ever made.
|  | This user took the red pill, not the blue pill. |
 | This user is interested in the belief that there is no light or dark side of the Force, but only a single Unifying Force. |
This user is a Browncoat. We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.
 | This user is more than happy to retain their "personality disorder(s)" and delights in telling their mental health professional to screw off. |
 | This user is a male. |
 | This user is proud to be a Mexican. |
 | This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one. |
 | This user doesn't like Nazis. |
 | This user largely subsists on cold leftover pizza and credits this diet for their health & success in life. |