Although there are a few articles in which I have a special interest, I mostly flit about here and there, adding references where I can (and tags where I can't). I am neither a Deletionist nor and Inclusionist; I am as likely to tirelessly defend an article in which I believe as I am to smite an undeserving waste of kilobytes.
Without references, though, no article in this encyclopedia is any better than a biased rant written on someone's MySpace page. I find it utterly ridiculous that pages containing easily-verifiable information about widely-discussed topics still sit without a single reference. If you care about a topic, you should be spending your editing time referencing every sentence in the article rather than filling it with even MORE unreferenced statements! That would not only improve the article's accuracy, but make it virtually undeletable.
Flexible | This user deals with edits, deletion, and creation of pages individually instead of unilaterally and encourages others to do so. |
USage decline | This user uses American English, but is appalled at its rapid and continuing deterioration. |
 | This user reserves the right to completely screw up their own edits. |
 | This user is not a number, he is a free man. |
; | This user is addicted to semicolons; they use them frequently. |
1 | This user thinks he failed his Spot check. |