... that the 3rd Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia has suspended multiple sessions due to open brawls and fights between opposition and ruling party parliamentarians? (15 May 2022)
... that as a member of the El Alto Workers' Center, Martha Yujra participated in mass mobilizations that led to the resignations of two Bolivian presidents? (25 June 2022)
... that when the US government offered Bolivian president Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada US$15 million to help quell riots in La Paz, he responded that with that he "couldn't even afford to pay for the cigars he smoked"? (23 August 2022)
... that Eliane Capobianco's election to the Bolivian Constituent Assembly reflected the propensity of the country's agribusiness elites to occupy positions that granted them influence over land reform policy? (30 August 2022)
... that Aymara legislator Rafael Quispe's humorous style of political activism led one Bolivian parliamentarian to describe him as the "Chapulín Colorado" of the Legislative Assembly? (3 September 2022)
... that Yesenia Yarhui, the youngest parliamentarian in Bolivian history, was sworn into the Chamber of Deputies at just 19 years old? (4 September 2022)
... that Freddy Mamani was motivated to become a teacher in part to help his parents overcome their illiteracy? (8 September 2022)
... that journalist Isabel Fernández likened her experience as a correspondent during periods of intense civil unrest to "[being in] a lion's cage"? (8 September 2022)
... that according to one sociologist, Franklin Flores's landslide victory demonstrated his party's ability to win the rural vote "regardless of the candidates nominated"? (21 September 2022)
... that Adriana Salvatierra, the youngest legislator to ever preside over the Bolivian Senate, accompanied her father to trade union meetings when she was still a child? (23 September 2022)
... that in being hired as a newscaster for ATB, Bertha Acarapi became one of Bolivia's first high-profile chola indigenous presenters? (3 October 2022)
... that despite entering politics as part of a right-wing party, Betty Tejada was later elected president of the Chamber of Deputies as a member of the Movement for Socialism? (4 October 2022)
... that David Cortés, a member of the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies, was dubbed the "Santa Claus of Potosí"? (17 October 2022)
... that some analysts considered Víctor Hugo Zamora's appointment as hydrocarbons minister to be a gesture to oil companies, guaranteeing "covert continuity" between the Áñez and Morales governments? (18 October 2022)
... that following his election to the Constituent Assembly, Severo Aguilar had to trek four hours and hitch a ride on a truck in order to get to the assembly's headquarters in Sucre? (20 October 2022)
... that Rebeca Delgado created Freedom of Thought for Bolivia after being told by her previous party that she should leave if she wanted to be a "freethinker"? (20 October 2022)
... that Luis Gallego had only completed up to middle school education when he was elected to the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies? (22 October 2022)
... that Marcela Revollo's pragmatic approach to legislating led her to cooperate with both neoliberal and socialist governments on women's rights legislation? (26 October 2022)
... that before entering politics, Romina Pérez worked at the Center for Legal Studies and Social Research, which "became a 'nursery' for intellectual and political cadres of the Movement for Socialism"? (26 October 2022)
... that after he, his father, and his grandfather won the Rurrenabaque mayoralty as MNR members, Yerko Núñez switched parties and won a third term, defeating the MNR by a margin of 3,476 votes to 30? (28 November 2022)
... that while serving as his party's regional leader in Oruro, Franz Choque simultaneously worked as an importer to make ends meet? (1 December 2022)
... that María Elva Pinckert, motivated by the murder of her brother, started her political career in local politics in 1999? (14 December 2022)
... that before being named jach'a mallku cantonal, Samuel Plata worked as an auto mechanic in El Alto? (24 December 2022)
... that París Galán, who introduced a style of drag performance in Bolivia, became the first-ever transgender individual to win elective office in the country? (14 January 2023)
... that Oscar Ortiz continued his 2019 presidential campaign even after his own running mate asked him to withdraw? (28 January 2023)
... that Fernando Cajías, one of the first professional historians in Bolivia, composed part of history academia's "Mirista-wing"? (29 January 2023)
... that Eudoro Galindo, who was nearly elected vice president of Bolivia, was also a three-time national fencing champion and a two-time Bolivarian Games bronze medalist? (4 February 2023)
... that prior to entering politics, Herbert Salvatierra led a troupe of carnival comparsas? (10 February 2023)
... that Iván Arias's eccentric but successful 2021 La Paz mayoral campaign involved an action figure, comics, and chocolate kisses named and styled in his likeness? (11 March 2023)
... that as a member of the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies, Shirley Franco presented a bill that would penalize street harassment with up to eight hours in jail and a 500-boliviano fine? (22 March 2023)
... that prior to serving in the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies, rancher Osney Martínez sought to be elected the mayor of San Borja, as his mother had been before him? (23 March 2023)
... that out of 84 people running for governor seats in Bolivia in 2021, Mirtha Arce was one of just seven women and was the first in the Tarija Department to ever do so? (30 March 2023)
... that as part of its strategy of political renovation, National Convergence nominated a librarian to contest one of Bolivia's most competitive legislative districts? (31 March 2023)
... that after losing her eyesight to toxoplasmosis, Rhina Aguirre dedicated herself to disability rights and was elected to the Bolivian Senate in 2009? (17 April 2023)
... that while being considered for the post of ambassador to Paraguay, Lidia Patty brushed off her lack of diplomatic training because she had "indigenous, native, peasant diplomacy"? (23 June 2023)
... that cocalera activist Ancelma Perlacios, the first Afro-Bolivian elected to the Senate, was her organization's secretary of defense of the coca leaf and promoted efforts to decriminalize acullico? (18 July 2023)
... that leading Sacaba's largest drivers' union was José Mendieta's second choice of career, after teaching? (28 July 2023)
... that Jorge Medina – the first Afro-Bolivian in parliament – recalled being harassed as a young adult due to the superstitious belief that pinching a black person brought good luck? (25 August 2023)
... that after his candidacy was disqualified by Bolivia's electoral court, Eduardo Maldonado sued the state at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and won? (27 August 2023)
... that Carlos Alberto Sonnenschein won three terms and spent twelve years in Bolivian parliament despite not attending over ninety percent of legislative sessions? (28 August 2023))
... that Patricia Mancilla pushed to have restrictions on abortion in Bolivia expunged from the legal code – even after leaders in her own party came out against it? (3 September 2023)
... that Quechua senator Carmen García helped pass reforms to education in Bolivia that incorporated indigenous and traditional knowledge? (6 September 2023)
... that while serving in the Bolivian parliament, legislator Emeliana Aiza simultaneously took night courses to receive her high school baccalaureate? (4 October 2023)
... that to combat water privatization in Bolivia, Freddy Huayta joined a "coordinator" – a loose-knit alliance of organizations united around a single cause? (13 November 2023)
... that Martha Poma worked as a textile artisan in El Alto before being elected to the Senate of Bolivia? (22 November 2023)
... that Julia Figueredo was the first indigenous woman to be elected president of La Paz's parliamentary delegation? (4 January 2024)
... that small-business leaders such as Guillermo Torrez sympathized with the Movement for Socialism despite its anti-capitalist rhetoric? (7 January 2024)
... that German-born physician Pablo Busch was labelled a "witch or curandero" by indigenous tribes in Bolivia? (20 December 2024)