According to the World Bank, South Africa is the most economically unequal country in the world[citation needed]. The difference between the wealthy and the poor in South Africa has been increasing steadily since the end of apartheid in 1994, and this inequality is closely linked to racial divisions in society. The reason for South Africa's economic inequality being closely linked to racial divisions is due to historic systems of racial hierarchy. The system of Apartheid that existed in South Africa prior to 1994 concentrated power in the hand of the white minority who used this power to deny economic opportunity to the black majority. For example, the Apartheid regime barred Blacks from working and living in cities in order to keep them out of skilled labour positions. This ban was only lifted in 1973 due to shortages of workers in the manufacturing sector.[1] This system of denying Blacks economic opportunity resulted in significant economic inequality that persists to the present day and can be seen in all sectors including land ownership, educational opportunities, recreational spaces, housing and jobs.[2]