This is an archive of nominations at Wikipedia:Files for discussion, formerly called Wikipedia:Files for deletion and Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. The system that allows archiving was implemented in August 2005.
The community formerly had two additional boards to discuss files: Wikipedia:Non-free content review and Wikipedia:Possibly unfree files.
- Non-free content review was a process for reviewing non-free files for compliance with Wikipedia's non-free image policy. This process was merged into Files for discussion in October 2015. The archive pages for Non-free content review are linked below by date; Non-free content review used numbered archives that were not named by date. The archives for Non-free content review discussions can be found at Wikipedia:Non-free content review/Archive.
- Possibly unfree files was for listing and discussing files that are marked as available under a free license or public domain, but have disputed source or licensing information. This process was merged into Files for discussion in April 2016. The archives for Possibly unfree file discussions can be found at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree files/Archive.
Note: Some of these pages may be fully or partially blanked. For a complete archive of what was nominated for deletion, you may need to check the page history. Strikeouts are completely blanked. Pages should be kept as blanked for archival reasons.