Wikipedia:Non-unique personal name

This page lists non-unique personal names in Wikipedia. There are references to two or more persons with the same name (homonymous or namesake).

Articles about these people are set in one of the following ways:

  1. The articles are all on the same page.
  2. A disambiguation block leads to the lesser known person(s).
  3. The name is a disambiguation page leading to pages for each person. These are also listed on Links to disambiguating pages.

It's these pages that are listed below.

See also: lists of people, Wikipedia:Multiple-place names and how to best disambiguate per Naming conventions (people)

[Note: The list has now been removed (to avoid this page appearing in what-links-here lists for many pages and to make clear that the list no longer needs to be maintained). The list can be seen in older versions of this page (e.g. [1]).]

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