The RedWarn team is currently in the process of renaming to Ultraviolet. Some documentation pages are still in the process of being written/transferred. Read the announcement here. |
The current release is RedWarn 16.1. To read about the changes in the latest release, click here. |
Part of Wikipedia user scripts |
All notable changes to this project will be documented on this page. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. We advise against editing this page unless you are directly involved with development - you can suggest new features, point out changes we've missed, and report bugs at RedWarn's talk page.
The current update schedule involves feature updates and bug fixes on a non-fixed but frequent timescale.
The next update is RedWarn 17. Development at this stage requires rigorous testing, so you may see edits by dev version of RedWarn days or even weeks before the update is released.