Members of the Society for Neuroscience, welcome to Wikipedia!
We hope that you'll enjoy your visit and decide to contribute to Wikipedia. Wikipedia's goal is to offer well-referenced, comprehensive, accurate articles that are intelligible to lay-people but also useful, at times, to the specialist. All content in Wikipedia — words as well as images and other media — is free, both in terms of cost and in terms of copyright.
Getting started on Wikipedia is fairly easy, but there are areas where some people have trouble. This page explains how to navigate through those areas.
Please note that the tutorial information on this page was created in 2009, when the Society for Neuroscience started a formal outreach to Wikipedia. Some of it (particularly some of the links and technical features) subsequenlty became outdated as Wikipedia has continued to grow. However, the overall advice remains useful. |
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This user supports the Society for Neuroscience Wikipedia Initiative. |