The X-Men, a superhero team created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby that appears in comic books produced by Marvel Comics, has appeared in multiple television series since the team's inception in 1963. X-Men: The Animated Series premiered on Fox Kids in 1992 and ran for five seasons until 1997. The series is credited with bringing mainstream attention to the X-Men. Following the conclusion of The Animated Series, a new X-Men cartoon titled X-Men: Evolution began airing on Kids' WB from 2000 to 2003 for four seasons.
Across the various X-Men television series, which characters make up the team's roster and are members of the cast often changes. The only characters to have appeared as cast members and part of the X-Men across all five series are and Professor Charles Xavier, Scott Summers / Cyclops, Hank McCoy / Beast, James "Logan" Howlett / Wolverine, and Ororo Munroe / Storm. Besides these five characters, Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler, and Rogue have appeared in all five shows and been cast members in three; Warren Worthington III also appears in all five shows, being a cast member in only one series.