Zagreba Universitato Sveučilište u Zagrebu
publika universitato eldonejo de malfermita aliro
la 23-an de septembro 1669
Jezuitoj vd
jara budĝeto
328,5 milionoj da kunaoj
Geografia situo
45° 48′ 38″ N , 15° 58′ 12″ O (mapo) 45.810672222222 15.970097222222 Koordinatoj: 45° 48′ 38″ N , 15° 58′ 12″ O (mapo)
Zagrebo , Kroatio
rektoro Aleksa Bjeliš
nombro de studentoj
pli ol 70 000 (2013)[ 1]
Oficiala retpaĝaro [+]
membro de
filiita al
Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb (en) , Fakultato de Juro de la Universitato de Zagrebo , Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences (en) , Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (en) , School of Medicine, University of Zagreb (en) , School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (en) , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb (en) , Catholic Faculty of Theology (en) , Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (en) , Academy of Dramatic Art (en) , Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb (en) , Music Academy, Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Universiry of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (en) , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Graphic Arts, Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb. (en) , Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation in Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb (en) , Faculty of Geotechnics in Varaždin (en) , faculté de métallurgie de Sisak (fr) kaj Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb (en) vd
Zagreba Universitato Sveučilište u Zagrebu (Zagrebo) DEC
Zagreba Universitato Sveučilište u Zagrebu
La Zagreba Universitato - kroate Sveučilište u Zagrebu , latine Universitas Studiorum Zagrabiensis - estas la universitato de la urbo Zagrebo kaj la plej granda universitata institucio en Kroatio . La altlernejo, fondita la 23-an de septembro 1669 , estas la plej malnova, kontinue funkciinta universitato de tuta sudorienta Eŭropo. Gravan rolon en la historio universitata ludis ankaŭ la episkopa moŝto Josip Juraj Strossmayer .
↑ reta gvidilo por ontaj studentoj (kroate) . Arkivita el la originalo je 2013-05-31. Alirita 2013-06-11 .