Formaba parte de la dotación en el ejército de Alejandro Magno[3] y era utilizado preferentemente por la infantería. También se conoce como casco tracio. No debe confundirse con el usado por los gladiadores en combate.
↑Rome's Enemies (1): Germanics and Dacians (Men at Arms Series, 129) de Peter Wilcox y Gerry Embleton,1982, pg. 20,"... people, as were the Phrygians and those Thracians living north ... the solid crest of a 'Phrygian'-type helmet as a running pattern, as shown on the pedestal reliefs; ..."
↑"Terms such as Illyrian and attic are used in archeology for convenience to denote a particular type of helmet and do not imply its origin"(Vedi pg. 60, Peter Connoly, Greece & Rome at War,ISBN 1-85367-303-X)
↑ The Army of Alexander the Great (Men at Arms Series, 148) de Nicholas Sekunda y Angus McBride,1992,pg. 6,"... Philip gave them heavy armour-cuirasses and helmets of the `Phrygian' type-and he further developed the new tactical formations Jason of Pherai ..."