See artikkel vajab toimetamist. |
Nukuriik ehk marionettriik on riik,[1][2][3] mis on vormiliselt küll iseseisev, kuid mida tegelikult kontrollib mõni teine riik.[4]
Traditional international law has commonly relied on the criteria laid down in the 1933 Montevideo Convention when referring to a state. ... These "classical" criteria rest upon the idea of effectiveness among territorial units and are indeed reflected in the early discussions of statehood in the United nations.
Security Council records also show that, along with the traditional criteria, reference has been made to a member of other matters in connection with the statehood of an applicant, to greather and lesser degree, including mode of the establishment of state, foreign occupation of its territory, relations with a former sovereign, the extent of the applicant sovereignty, the ratification of peace treaties with ex-enemy applicants, war-related disabilities, the legitimacy of the statehood obtained through aggression and conquest, defense arrangements with other powers, the de jure versus de facto status of applicant and its government, recognition of the applicant by United Nations members, and diplomatic relations with other states.
Empiirilise uuringu tarbeks esitati alljärgnevaid küsimusi.
1. Kas on esitatud avaldus Rahvuste Liigasse?
2. Millised riigid on sinu riigi valitsust tunnustanud faktiliselt ja juriidiliselt?
3. Kas sinu riigil on stabiilne valitsus ja kinnitatud piirid? Milline on riigi rahvaarv?
4. Kas sinu riik on täielikult iseseisev, enda juhitud (self-governing)?