Jean Paul Getty Sr. (Minneapolis, 1892ko abenduaren 15a – Sutton Place, 1976ko ekainaren 6a) Estatu Batuetan jaiotako petrolioaren industrialari britainiarra izan zen, 1942an Getty Oil enpresa eratu zuena.[1] George Gettyren semea, 1952an Fortune aldizkariak estatubatuarrik aberatsena zela esan zuen.[2][3][4][5]
- ↑ «J. Paul Getty Dead at 83; Amassed Billions From Oil» 2016-12-21 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-07-15).
- ↑ «THE ODD MR. GETTY The possibly richest man in the world was mean, miserly, sexy, fearful of travel and detergents. - March 17, 1986» 2017-08-13 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-07-15).
- ↑ McWhirter, Norris; McWhirter, Ross (1966). Guinness Book of Records. London, England: Jim Pattison Group. p. 229
- ↑ Lenzner, Robert. (1986). The great Getty : the life and loves of J. Paul Getty, richest man in the world. (1st American ed. argitaraldia) ISBN 0-517-56222-7. PMC 12969837. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-07-15).
- ↑ Klepper, Michael M.. (1996). The wealthy 100 : from Benjamin Franklin to Bill Gates-- a ranking of the richest Americans, past and present. ISBN 0-8065-1800-6. PMC 33818143. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-07-15).