Title | Angel Eyes |
Main subject | Chicago Police Department |
Genre | romance film, drama film |
Country of origin | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Original language of film or TV show | Inngilisjo |
Publication date | 2001 |
Director | Luis Mandoki |
Screenwriter | Gerald Di Pego |
Director of photography | Piotr Sobociński |
Film editor | Gerald B. Greenberg |
Composer | Marco Beltrami |
Producer | Mark Canton, Elie Samaha |
Production company | Morgan Creek Entertainment, Franchise Pictures |
Distributed by | Warner Bros., Netflix |
Narrative location | Chicago |
Filming location | Toranto, Chicago |
Color | color |
Review score | 33%, 4.8/10, 39/100 |
Distribution format | video on demand |
CNC film rating (France) | no age restriction |
Filmiroda rating | Category II |
FSK film rating | FSK 12 |
Laawol ngol laamu anndani | http://www.warnerbros.com/angel-eyes |
Gite maleyka ko deftere nde Loren D. Estleman winndi, ɗiɗmere e nder deftere wiɗtiyanke keeriiɗo biyeteeɗo Amos Walker.