Rumphi is the capital of the Rumphi District (Rumphi Boma) in the Northern Region of Malawi. It is a lively town with a market which serves the widespread farming community. Rumphi is noted for the kindness of the people (it is even rude to pass by someone without greeting them).[ko haani] It is directly on the way to Nyika National Park Nyika Plateau and Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve. Unlike its larger neighbour, Mzuzu, which has mild sunny weather almost all year, Rumphi has a differing climate. The town, being surrounded by hills, always has a nice wind. The town is bounded by the Rumphi river in the east and the South Rukuru River in the south.
Rumphi ɗon anndina ngam sahaaji dabbaaji. Nder nyalnde Asaar fuu to karallere 6:00 subaka, remooɓe e mawɓe nguu ɗon ngari diga haa yaasi ngam ɓe kuuwana e ɓe nguu. Ɗum woni suɓaaji dabbaaji ɓurɗi mawnude hakkunde Lilongwe, Karonga, e Mzimba. Nder laawol Bolero, yeeso FDH Bank woni Roscher Youth Development Centre e dow geɓe maako to maayo South Rukuru support Malawi e.V. Foundation fuɗɗii Earthbag House Lodge nder Rumphi nder ɓesnguɓe ɓe maaki diga diga diga diga geɓe. Bana non, suudu nyaamdu lesdi ɗon ɓeyda ɓernde yimɓe ɗon ɗon njaha nder nokkuure nde ɗon bana nokkuure nder maayo boo ɗon njaha yimɓe ɗon njooɗugo nder cuuɗi.Ha nder Rumphi on ɗon tawi gese tabaku ɗuuɗɗe bana booje marsu, njaru, mansuwa, potatoes e ɗuɗɗum.