Depuis 2008, Defeater s'est produit de nombreuses fois sur scène aux côtés de grands noms de la scène punk hardcore dont Comeback Kid, Have Heart, Carpathian ou Miles Aways[6],[7],[8],[9].
↑(en) Brian Kraus, « 16 Modern Precursors Of Melodic Hardcore », sur Alternative Press, (consulté le ), Before the likes of Defeater, Touché Amoré, the Ghost Inside, Counterparts, Being As An Ocean and many more became the new faces of melodic, emotional hardcore, there were upperclassmen who were setting the stage.
↑(en) Ian Cohen, « Your New Favorite Emo Bands: The Best of Topshelf Records' 2013 Sampler », Pitchfork, (consulté le ), Defeater is a Boston hardcore beast three albums deep into the storyline of a dysfunctional, alcoholic family destroyed by the effects of World War II. Recommended for people who find Converge and Touche Amore a little too lighthearted.