Le terme « libertarianisme de droite » sert à différencier la conception de la propriété et du capital[20] de celle du libertarianisme de gauche, variante prônant une approche plus égalitaire du droit de propriété.
↑Newman 2010, p. 53 "It is important to distinguish between anarchism and certain strands of right-wing libertarianism which at times go by the same name (for example, Murray Rothbard's anarcho-capitalism). There is a complex debate within this tradition between those like Robert Nozick, who advocate a 'minimal state', and those like Rothbard who want to do away with the state altogether and allow all transactions to be governed by the market alone. From an anarchist perspective, however, both positions—the minimal state (minarchist) and the no-state ('anarchist') positions—neglect the problem of economic domination; in other words, they neglect the hierarchies, oppressions, and forms of exploitation that would inevitably arise in laissez-faire 'free' market. [...] Anarchism, therefore, has no truck with this right-wing libertarianism, not only because it neglects economic inequality and domination, but also because in practice (and theory) it is highly inconsistent and contradictory. The individual freedom invoked by right-wing libertarians is only narrow economic freedom within the constraints of a capitalist market, which, as anarchists show, is no freedom at all."
↑Kymlicka 2005, p. 516 : « Right-wing libertarians argue that the right of self-ownership entails the right to appropriate unequal parts of the external world, such as unequal amounts of land. »
↑Robin, Corey (2011). The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin. Oxford University Press, pp. 15–16. Internet Archive.
↑Harmel, Robert; Gibson, Rachel K. (June 1995). "Right-Libertarian Parties and the 'New Values': A Re-examination". Scandinavian Political Studies. 18 (July 1993): 97–118.
↑Marshall, Peter (2008). Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism. Oakland: PM Press.
↑Vincent, Andrew (2009). Modern Political Ideologies. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, p. 66. Google Books.
↑Kitschelt, Herbert; McGann, Anthony J. (1997) [1995]. The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. University of Michigan Press. p. 27.
↑Mudde, Cas (2016). The Populist Radical Right: A Reader. Routledge.