Pàirt de | Post-Soviet states, European Union tax haven blacklist, Eastern Europe |
Cur air cois | 25 dhen Dùbhlachd 1991 |
Ainm oifigeil | Российская Федерация |
Ainm dùthchasach | Россия, Российская Федерация |
Ainm goirid | 🇷🇺, Россия, Росія |
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPA | rɐˈsʲijə |
Cànan oifigeil | Ruisis |
Laoidh | State Anthem of the Russian Federation |
Culture | culture of Russia |
Motto | Reveal your own Russia, Datgelwch eich Rwsia eich hun, Revela la teva pròpia Rússia |
Mòr-roinn | An Roinn-Eòrpa |
Dùthaich | An Ruis |
Prìomh-bhaile | Moscobha |
Roinn-tìde | UTC+02:00 |
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlais | Eoràisia |
Domhan-leud is -fhad | 66°25′0″N 94°15′0″E |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 65°46′52″N 169°3′25″W |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 81°50′35″N 59°14′22″E |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 41°11′7″N 47°46′55″E |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 54°27′30″N 19°38′22″E |
Puing as àirde | Mount Elbrus |
Lowest point | Muir Caspach |
Basic form of government | super-presidential republic |
Oifis aig ceann-stàite | Ceann-suidhe na Ruise |
Ceannard na stàite | Vladimir Putin |
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltais | Prìomh-mhinistear na Ruise |
Ceannard an riaghaltais | Mikhail Mishustin |
Executive body | Government of Russia |
Legislative body | Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation |
Highest judicial authority | Constitutional Court of Russia, Supreme Court of Russia |
Central bank | Central Bank of Russia |
Currency | Russian ruble |
Driving side | right |
Electrical plug type | Schuko, Europlug |
Na bha roimhe | Poblachd Shòisealach Fheadarail Shobhiatach na Ruise |
Na bh’ann roimhe | Poblachd Shòisealach Fheadarail Shobhiatach na Ruise, An t-Aonadh Sobhiatach |
Cuspair eòlais | Russian studies |
Làrach-lìn | http://gov.ru/ |
Hashtag | russia, Russland, Россия |
Top-level Internet domain | .ru, .рф, .рус, .su |
Main regulatory text | Constitution of Russia |
Bratach | flag of Russia |
Gearradh-arm | Coat of arms of Russia |
Geography of topic | geography of Russia |
Feart | not-free country |
History of topic | history of Russia |
List of monuments | Russian cultural heritage register |
Official religion | non-denominational |
Patron saint | Anndra Abstol |
Separated from | An t-Aonadh Sobhiatach |
Railway traffic side | right |
Open data portal | Open Data Portal Russia |
Economy of topic | economy of Russia |
Demographics of topic | demographics of Russia |
Official observer status in organisation | CERN, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation |
Gregorian calendar start date | 14 dhen Ghearran 1918 |
Mobile country code | 250 |
Country calling code | +7 |
Trunk prefix | 8 |
GS1 country code | 460-469 |
Licence plate code | RUS |
Maritime identification digits | 273 |
Caractar Unicode | 🇷🇺 |
Category for honorary citizens of entity | Category:Honorary citizens from Russia by city |
Category for maps or plans | Category:Maps of Russia |
'S e an dùthaich as motha san t-saoghal a tha san Ruis [1][2][3][4][5] neo Ruisia [6] (Beurla Russia ("Ruisia"); Ruiseis: Росси́я, eadar-litreachadh: Rossiya neo Rossija). 'S e "An Caidreachas Ruiseanach" gu h-oifigeil (Ruiseis: Росси́йская Федера́ция, eadar-litreachadh Rossiyskaya Federatsiya no Rossijskaja Federacija). 'S e Ruisis an cànan oifigeil, a bhruidhneas san dùthaich air fad. Cleachdar an Aibidil Cirilleach. Ach tha 27 cànanan oifigeil eile ann, tha sin a' crochadh air an roinn far a bheilear.