{{{col1}}} | {{{col2}}} | {{{col3}}} | {{{col4}}} | {{{col5}}} | {{{col6}}} | {{{col7}}} | {{{col8}}} | {{{col9}}} | {{{col10}}} |
{{Columnas | bgcol = <!--Background colo/ur (default none)--> | width = <!--Width of each column (px; default 120px)--> | gap = <!--Gap between each column (px; default 15px)--> | col1 = <!--mandatory--> | col2 = <!--mandatory--> | col3 = | col4 = | col5 = | col6 = | col7 = }}
{{Columnas | col1 = Simplest<br/>instantiation<br/>of | col2 = this<br/>template }}
Simplest instantiation of |
this template |
{{Columnas | bgcol = beige | width = 100px | gap = 40px | col1 = * These * columns * are * more * complex | col2 = The<br/>background<br/>is<br/>beige | col3 = ; Each : column ; is : 100px ; wide | col4 = {{{!}} !colspan="2"{{!}} and {{!}}- {{!}} the {{!!}} gap {{!}}- {{!}}colspan="2"{{!}} between {{!}}- {{!}} each {{!!}} is {{!}}- !colspan="2" align="center"{{!}} 40px {{!}}} }}
The background is beige |
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