Angela Merkel
24 Oktoba 2017 - 26 Oktoba 2021 District: Vorpommern-Rügen – Vorpommern-Greifswald I (en) Election: 2017 German federal election (en) 22 Oktoba 2013 - District: Vorpommern-Rügen – Vorpommern-Greifswald I (en) Election: 2013 German federal election (en) 27 Oktoba 2009 - 22 Oktoba 2013 1 ga Janairu, 2007 - 30 ga Yuni, 2007 ← Matti Vanhanen (mul) - José Sócrates (mul) → 22 Nuwamba, 2005 - 8 Disamba 2021 ← Gerhard Schröder - Olaf Scholz → 18 Oktoba 2005 - 27 Oktoba 2009 17 Oktoba 2002 - 18 Oktoba 2005 24 Satumba 2002 - 21 Nuwamba, 2005 ← Friedrich Merz - Volker Kauder → 10 ga Afirilu, 2000 - 7 Disamba 2018 ← Wolfgang Schäuble - Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer → 7 Nuwamba, 1998 - 10 ga Afirilu, 2000 ← Peter Hintze - Ruprecht Polenz → 26 Oktoba 1998 - 17 Oktoba 2002 17 Nuwamba, 1994 - 26 Oktoba 1998 ← Klaus Töpfer - Jürgen Trittin → 10 Nuwamba, 1994 - 26 Oktoba 1998 Election: 1994 German federal election (en) 1993 - 2000 ← Günther Krause - Steffie Schnoor (mul) → 18 ga Janairu, 1991 - 17 Nuwamba, 1994 ← Hannelore Rönsch - Claudia Nolte → 20 Disamba 1990 - 10 Nuwamba, 1994 Election: 1990 German federal election (en) Rayuwa Cikakken suna
Angela Dorothea Kasner Haihuwa
Eimsbüttel (en) da Hamburg , 17 ga Yuli, 1954 (70 shekaru) ƙasa
Jamus Mazauni
Berlin Hamburg Quitzow (en) Templin (en) Leipzig Giessen (en) Ƙabila
Germans (en) Harshen uwa
Jamusanci Ƴan uwa Mahaifi
Horst Kasner Mahaifiya
Herlind Kasner Abokiyar zama
Ulrich Merkel (en) (3 Satumba 1977 - ga Maris, 1982) Joachim Sauer (mul) (30 Disamba 1998 - Yara
Marcus Kasner (en) da Irene Kasner (en) Ƴan uwa
family of Angela Merkel (en) Karatu Makaranta
German Academy of Sciences at Berlin (en) doctor rerum naturalium (en) Extended Secondary School Templin (en) 1973) Polytechnic Secondary School Templin (en) (1961 - Jami'ar Leipzig (1973 - 1978) Diplom (en) : physics (en) Thesis
Untersuchung des Mechanismus von Zerfallsreaktionen mit einfachem Bindungsbruch und Berechnung ihrer Geschwindigkeitskonstanten auf der Grundlage quantenchemischer und statistischer Methoden Thesis director
Lutz Zülicke (en) Harsuna
Jamusanci Turanci Rashanci Malamai
Reinhold Haberlandt (en) Sana'a Sana'a
ɗan siyasa , physicist (en) , statesperson (en) da chemist (en)
1.65 m da 1.67 m Wurin aiki
Berlin , Templin (en) da Uckermark District (en) Employers
Zentralinstitut für Physikalische Chemie (en) (1978 - 1990 )Press and Information Office of the Federal Government of Germany (en) (3 Oktoba 1990 - 20 Disamba 1990 ) Muhimman ayyuka
Examination of the mechanism of decays with singular bond breaking and calculation of their coefficient of reaction rate on the basis of quantum mechanical and statistical methods (en) Kyaututtuka
Charlemagne Prize (1 Mayu 2008) Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru : Alan García (mul) (17 Mayu 2008) Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry (2 ga Maris, 2009) Presidential Medal of Freedom : Barack Obama (7 ga Yuni, 2011) Eric M. Warburg Award : Atlantik-Brücke (en) (25 ga Yuni, 2009) German Media Award : Media Control (en) (2009) Leo-Baeck-Medal : Leo Baeck Institute (en) (21 Satumba 2010) Heinz-Galinski-Award (28 Nuwamba, 2012) Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (21 ga Maris, 2006) German Leo Baeck Award (2007) Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2008) Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding (2009) Indira Gandhi Peace Prize (2013) Robert Schuman Medal : European People's Party (en) (2007) Abraham Geiger Prize (2015) Time Person of the Year : Time (mul) (2015) Honorary doctor at the Nanjing University (ga Yuni, 2016) Order of the Republic (12 Nuwamba, 2015) Grand Cross of Royal Norwegian Order of Merit (15 Oktoba 2007) Order of Stara Planina Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud Order of Zayed honorary doctor of the Leipzig University (3 ga Yuni, 2008) honorary doctor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2007) honorary doctor of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (12 ga Janairu, 2017) Honorary doctors of Ghent University (12 ga Janairu, 2017) honorary doctor of Tel Aviv University (1 ga Faburairu, 2011) Grand Cross of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria : Werner Faymann (mul) (27 ga Augusta, 2015) honorary doctor of Babeș-Bolyai University (12 Oktoba 2010) Honorary doctor at the University of Bern (2009) honorary doctor of Harvard University (30 Mayu 2019) Lucius D. Clay Medal : Federation of German-American Clubs (en) (2009) Henry A. Kissinger Prize (21 ga Janairu, 2020) honorary doctor of Comenius University (20 Oktoba 2014) honorary doctor of the D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (1996) honorary doctor of Wrocław University of Science and Technology (24 Satumba 2008) Presidential Medal of Distinction : Shimon Peres (en) (2014) Ehrenplakette des Bundes der Vertriebenen : Federation of Expellees (en) (2014) Wilhelm Leuschner Medal (28 Nuwamba, 2014) Financial Times Person of the Year (2015) Four Freedoms Award – Freedom Medal : Roosevelt Foundation (en) (2016) Order of Vytautas the Great : Dalia Grybauskaitė (mul) (2017) Eugen Bolz Prize (2017) Grand Cross of the Order of the White Double Cross : Andrej Kiska (en) (7 ga Faburairu, 2019) honorary citizen of Templin (8 ga Faburairu, 2019) Order of the Three Stars : Raimonds Vējonis (mul) (19 ga Faburairu, 2019) [[]] (31 ga Augusta, 2019) Buber-Rosenzweig-Medal : Deutscher Koordinierungsrat der Gesellschaften für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit (en) (2020) Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class : Kersti Kaljulaid (en) (23 ga Faburairu, 2021) honorary doctor of Johns Hopkins University (15 ga Yuli, 2021) Supreme Order of the Renaissance : Abdullah na biyu na Jordan (28 Oktoba 2021) Order of Liberty : Volodymyr Zelensky (22 ga Augusta, 2021) Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold : Philippe of Belgium (en) (15 Oktoba 2021) Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour : Emmanuel Macron (3 Nuwamba, 2021) Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion (12 Nuwamba, 2021) Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize (2022) Nansen Refugee Award : Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (en) (4 Oktoba 2022) Grand Cross special issue of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, special issue : Frank-Walter Steinmeier (mul) (17 ga Afirilu, 2023) State Prize of North Rhine-Westphalia : Hendrik Wüst (mul) (16 Mayu 2023) Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry (9 Disamba 2021) Bavarian Order of Merit : Markus Söder (mul) (21 ga Yuni, 2023) European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma (28 ga Afirilu, 2021) [[]] : Jewish Museum Berlin (en) (24 Oktoba 2011) Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry Decoration for Exceptional Merits Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Vision for Europe Award Charles V European Award [[]] (2023) Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria Order of Merit Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana Order of the White Double Cross Order of the Netherlands Lion Order of Prince Henry Order of the Sun of Peru
Atlantik-Brücke (en) Rotary Club (en) Free German Youth (en) Cabinet Kohl IV (en) Cabinet Kohl V (en) First Merkel cabinet (en) Second Merkel cabinet (en) Third Merkel cabinet (en) Fourth Merkel cabinet (en) Imani Addini
Protestant Church in Germany (en) Lutheranism (en) protestant church (en) Jam'iyar siyasa
Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (mul) Democratic Beginning (en) Christian Democratic Union (GDR) (en) IMDb
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