Gimbal (bahasa Sanskerta: Jaṭā)[1] adalah helai rambut mirip tali yang berbentuk anyaman atau kepangan.[2] Penggambaran rambut gimbal yang paling awal adalah dari lebih dari 2.000 tahun yang lalu.[3]
His jata (dreadlocks) are elegantly styled, and the source of the Ganges issues from his topknot. In the background are the Himalayas where Shiva performs his austerities.
dread-lock \'dred-,lak\ n (I960) 1 : a narrow ropelike strand of hair formed by matting or braiding 2 pi : a hairstyle consisting of dreadlocks — dread-locked \-,lakt\ adj
... Archaeologist Christos Doumas, discoverer of Akrotiri, wrote: “Even though the character of the wall-paintings from Thera is Minoan, ... the boxing children with dreadlocks, and ochre-coloured naked fishermen proudly displaying their abundant hauls of blue and yellow fish.