Kerajaan ini didirikan oleh Timur (juga dikenal sebagai Tamerlane), seorang panglima perang dari keturunan Turko-Mongol, yang mendirikan kekaisaran, memerintah dari 1370 hingga kematiannya pada 1405. Dia menganggap dirinya sebagai restorator besar dari Genghis KhanKekaisaran Mongol, menganggap dirinya sebagai pewaris Genghis dan banyak berhubungan dengan Borjigin. Timur melanjutkan hubungan perdagangan yang kuat dengan Ming Tiongkok dan Golden Horde, dengan diplomat China seperti Ma Huan dan Chen Cheng secara teratur melakukan perjalanan ke barat ke Samarkanduntuk mengumpulkan upeti dan menjual barang, melanjutkan tradisi kerajaan Mongol. Kekaisaran tersebut menyebabkan Renaisans Timuriyah, khususnya pada masa pemerintahan astronom dan ahli matematika Ulugh Begh.
Pada tahun 1467, dinasti Timuriyah yang berkuasa, kehilangan sebagian besar wilayah Persia ke tangan Azerbaijan dan konfederasi Aq Qoyunlu. Tetapi anggota dinasti Timuriyah terus memerintah negara bagian yang lebih kecil, kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai Keamiran Timuriyah, di Asia Tengah dan sebagian India. Pada abad ke-16, Babur, seorang pangeran Timuriyah dari Ferghana (sekarang Uzbekistan), menginvasi Kabulistan (Afghanistan modern) dan mendirikan kerajaan kecil di sana. Dua puluh tahun kemudian, dia menggunakan kerajaan ini sebagai tempat pertempuran untuk menyerang India dan mendirikan Kerajaan Mughal.
Manz, Beatrice Forbes (1999). The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane. Cambridge University Press, p.109. ISBN0-521-63384-2. Limited preview pada Google Books. p.109. "In almost all the territories which Temür incorporated into his realm Persian was the primary language of administration and literary culture. Thus the language of the settled 'divan' was Persian."
B.F. Manz, W.M. Thackston, D.J. Roxburgh, L. Golombek, L. Komaroff, R.E. Darley-Doran. "Timurids" Encyclopaedia of IslamBrill Publishers 2007; "During the Timurid period, three languages, Persian, Turkish, and Arabic were in use. The major language of the period was Persian, the native language of the Tajik (Persian) component of society and the language of learning acquired by all literate and/or urban Turks. Persian served as the language of administration, history, belles lettres, and poetry."
Bertold Spuler. "CENTRAL ASIA v. In the Mongol and Timurid Periodse". Encyclopaedia Iranica. Diakses tanggal 2017-09-14. "Like his father, Olōğ Beg was entirely integrated into the Persian Islamic cultural circles, and during his reign Persian predominated as the language of high culture, a status that it retained in the region of Samarqand until the Russian revolution 1917 ... Ḥoseyn Bāyqarā encouraged the development of Persian literature and literary talent in every way possible ...
Robert Devereux (ed.) "Muhakamat Al-Lughatain (Judgment of Two Languages)" Mir 'Ali Shir Nawāi; Leiden, E.J. Brill 1966: "Nawa'i also employs the curious argument that most Turks also spoke Persian but only a few Persians ever achieved fluency in Turkic. It is difficult to understand why he was impressed by this phenomenon, since the most obvious explanation is that Turks found it necessary, or at least advisable, to learn Persian – it was, after all, the official state language – while Persians saw no reason to bother learning which was, in their eyes, merely the uncivilized tongue of uncivilized nomadic tribesmen.
David J. Roxburgh. The Persian Album, 1400–1600: From Dispersal to Collection. Yale University Press, 2005. pg 130: "Persian literature, especially poetry, occupied a central in the process of assimilation of Timurid elite to the Perso-Islamicate courtly culture, and so it is not surprising to find Baysanghur commissioned a new edition of Firdawsi's Shanama."
^B. F. Manz; W. M. Thackston; D. J. Roxburgh; L. Golombek; L. Komaroff; R. E. Darley-Doran (2007). "Timurids". Encyclopaedia of Islam (edisi ke-Online). Brill Publishers. During the Timurid period, three languages, Persian, Turkish, and Arabic were in use. The major language of the period was Persian, the native language of the Tajik (Persian) component of society and the language of learning acquired by all literate and/or urban Turks. Persian served as the language of administration, history, belles lettres, and poetry.
^Subtelny, Maria (2007). Timurids in Transition: Turko-Persian Politics and Acculturation in Medieval Iran (dalam bahasa Inggris). BRILL. hlm. 40–41. ISBN978-9004160316. Nevertheless, in the complex process of transition, members of the Timurid dynasty and their Turko-Mongolian supporters became acculturated by the surrounding Persianate millieu adopting Persian cultural models and tastes and acting as patrons of Persian language, culture, painting, architecture and music. [...] The last members of the dynasty, notably Sultan-Abu Sa'id and Sultan-Husain, in fact came to be regarded as ideal Perso-Islamic rulers who devoted as much attention to agricultural development as they did to fostering Persianate court culture.