Bentuk keton dari kurkumin
Kurkumin (bahasa Inggris : diferuloylmethane adalah senyawa aktif yang ditemukan pada kunyit , berupa polifenol dengan rumus kimia C21 H20 O6 . Kurkumin memiliki dua bentuk tautomer : keton dan enol . Struktur keton lebih dominan dalam bentuk padat , sedangkan struktur enol ditemukan dalam bentuk cairan . Kurkumin merupakan senyawa yang berinteraksi dengan asam borat menghasilkan senyawa berwarna merah yang disebut rososiania .
Senyawa turunan kurkumin disebut kurkuminoid , yang hanya terdapat dua macam, yaitu desmetoksikurkumin dan bis-desmetoksikurkumin . Secara in vivo , kurkumin berubah menjadi senyawa metabolit berupa dihidrokurkumin atau tetrahidrokurkumin sebelum dikonversi menjadi senyawa konjugasi monoglusuronida .[ 1]
Kurkumin dikenal karena sifat antitumor dan antioksidan yang dimilikinya, selain banyak kegunaan medis seperti;
Selain itu, kurkumin juga:
Defisiensi COX dapat mengakibatkan sindrom Leigh , SCO2 (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ), SCO1 (gagal hati , koma ketoasidosis ), and COX10 (encephalopathy , tubulopathy ).[ 22]
^ (Inggris) "Biotransformation of curcumin through reduction and glucuronidation in mice" . Institute of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University; Pan MH, Huang TM, Lin JK . Diakses tanggal 2011-08-23 .
^ (Inggris) "Curcumin Exerts Neuroprotective Effects Against Homocysteine Intracerebroventricular Injection-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Oxidative Stress in Rat Brain" . Neuroscience Research Center; Ataie A, Sabetkasaei M, Haghparast A, Moghaddam AH, Ataee R, Moghaddam SN . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "Curcumin attenuates vascular inflammation and cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice" . Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Georgia; Wakade C, King MD, Laird MD, Alleyne CH Jr, Dhandapani KM . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "Dietary curcumin supplementation counteracts reduction in levels of molecules involved in energy homeostasis after brain trauma" . Department of Physiological Science, UCLA; Sharma S, Zhuang Y, Ying Z, Wu A, Gomez-Pinilla F . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "Curcumin inhibits formation of amyloid beta oligomers and fibrils, binds plaques, and reduces amyloid in vivo" . Department of Medicine, UCLA; Curcumin inhibits formation of amyloid beta oligomers and fibrils, binds plaques, and reduces amyloid in vivo . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-27 .
^ (Inggris) "Inhibitory effect of curcuminoids on acetylcholinesterase activity and attenuation of scopolamine-induced amnesia may explain medicinal use of turmeric in Alzheimer's disease" . Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Aga Khan University Medical College; Ahmed T, Gilani AH . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-27 .
^ (Inggris) "Optimized turmeric extracts have potent anti-amyloidogenic effects" . Center for Excellence in Aging and Brain Repair, Department of Neurosurgery, University of South Florida College of Medicine; Shytle RD, Bickford PC, Rezai-zadeh K, Hou L, Zeng J, Tan J, Sanberg PR, Sanberg CD, Roschek B Jr, Fink RC, Alberte RS . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-27 .
^ (Inggris) "Immune defects in Alzheimer's disease: new medications development" . Human BioMolecular Research Institute, San Diego; Cashman JR, Ghirmai S, Abel KJ, Fiala M . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-27 .
^ (Inggris) "Potential response to curcumin in infantile hemangioendothelioma of the liver" . University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; Hassell LA, Roanh LD . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "[Anticancer activities of curcumin on human hepatocarcinoma cell line Sk-hep-1]" . Guangdong Pharmaceutical University; Wang W, Zhang B, Chen H, Zhang L . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "Curcumin inhibits hepatitis B virus via down-regulation of the metabolic coactivator PGC-1alpha" . The Institute of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease; Rechtman MM, Har-Noy O, Bar-Yishay I, Fishman S, Adamovich Y, Shaul Y, Halpern Z, Shlomai A . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "Novel role of curcumin in the prevention of cytokine-induced islet death in vitro and diabetogenesis in vivo" . Tissue Engineering and Banking Laboratory, National Centre for Cell Science; Kanitkar M, Gokhale K, Galande S, Bhonde RR . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "Induction of antioxidant enzymes by curcumin and its analogues in human islets: implications in transplantation" . Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation, University of Minnesota; Balamurugan AN, Akhov L, Selvaraj G, Pugazhenthi S . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ (Inggris) "[The study of insulin resistance and leptin resistance on the model of simplicity obesity rats by curcumin]" . Department of Public Health, Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine; Yu Y, Hu SK, Yan H . Diakses tanggal 2010-06-30 .
^ Giannessi, Francesco; Giambelluca, Maria Anita; Grasso, Lucia; Scavuzzo, Maria Concetta; Ruffoli, Riccardo (2008-11). "Curcumin protects Leydig cells of mice from damage induced by chronic alcohol administration" . Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research . 14 (11): BR237–242. ISSN 1643-3750 . PMID 18971866 .
^ Gonzales, Amanda M.; Orlando, Robert A. (2008-06-12). "Curcumin and resveratrol inhibit nuclear factor-kappaB-mediated cytokine expression in adipocytes" . Nutrition & Metabolism . 5 : 17. doi :10.1186/1743-7075-5-17 . ISSN 1743-7075 . PMC 2441623 . PMID 18549505 .
^ (Inggris) "Role of pro-oxidants and antioxidants in the anti-inflammatory and apoptotic effects of curcumin (diferuloylmethane)" . Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Box 143, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center; Sandur SK, Ichikawa H, Pandey MK, Kunnumakkara AB, Sung B, Sethi G, Aggarwal BB . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "COX-2 and PGE2 signaling is essential for the regulation of IDO expression by curcumin in murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells" . Department of Microbiology and Immunology and National Research Laboratory of Dendritic Cell Differentiation & Regulation, School of Medicine, Pusan National University; Jung ID, Jeong YI, Lee CM, Noh KT, Jeong SK, Chun SH, Choi OH, Park WS, Han J, Shin YK, Kim HW, Yun CH, Park YM . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "Curcumin inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis in human intestinal microvascular endothelial cells through COX-2 and MAPK inhibition" . Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin; Binion DG, Otterson MF, Rafiee P . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "Comparison of Anti-inflammatory Activities of Six Curcuma Rhizomes: A Possible Curcuminoid-independent Pathway Mediated by Curcuma phaeocaulis Extract" . Tohda C, Nakayama N, Hatanaka F, Komatsu K . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "Control of the growth of human breast cancer cells in culture by manipulation of arachidonate metabolism" . Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; Hammamieh R, Sumaida D, Zhang X, Das R, Jett M . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .
^ (Inggris) "A missense mutation of cytochrome oxidase subunit II causes defective assembly and myopathy" . University Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School; Rahman S, Taanman JW, Cooper JM, Nelson I, Hargreaves I, Meunier B, Hanna MG, García JJ, Capaldi RA, Lake BD, Leonard JV, Schapira AH . Diakses tanggal 2010-07-04 .