Istilah "libertarianisme" dalam arti metafisis atau filosofis pertama kali digunakan oleh pemikir bebas dari abad pencerahan.[9] Istilah ini pertama kali tercatat dalam tulisan William Belsham pada tahun 1789.[10][11]
^Strawson, Galen (1998, 2004). Free will. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2009
^Strawson, Galen (1998, 2004). Free will (section 2)Diarsipkan 2009-09-23 di Wayback Machine.. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2009. "These anti-compatibilists or incompatibilists divide into two groups: the libertarians and the no-freedom theorists or pessimists about free will and moral responsibility."
^Timpe, Kevin (2006) Free Will di Feiser, J and Dowden, B (Eds.) 'Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy'. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2009 "Other incompatibilists think that the actual world is not deterministic and that at least some of the agents in the actual world have free will. These incompatibilists are referred to as "libertarians" [lihat Kane (2005), terutama bab 3 dan 4]."
^Strawson, Galen (1998, 2004). Free will (section 2)Diarsipkan 2009-09-23 di Wayback Machine.. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2009. "They [libertarians] hold (1) that we do have free will, (2) that free will is not compatible with determinism, and (3) that determinism is therefore false."
^Nozick, Robert. Philosophical Explanations. 1981: Harvard University Press.
^Dennett, D. Freedom Evolves.Viking Books, February, 2003 ISBN 0-670-03186-0
^Strawson, Galen. "Free Will" di Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, penyunting Edward Craig (1998); "The Bounds of Freedom" dalam The Oxford Handbook of Free Will, penyunting Robert Kane (2002).
^David Boaz, Libertarianism: A Primer, Free Press, 1998, 22-25.
^William Belsham, "Essays", dicetak untuk C. Dilly, 1789; awalnya dari Universitas Michigan, didigitalisasi 21 Mei 2007, p.11.