
Bagian dari Konflik Arab–Israel
Seorang warga Palestina mengawasi sebuah sekolah di kamp pengungsi, 1948.
LokasiMandat Palestina
SasaranOrang Arab Palestina
Jenis serangan
Pembersihan etnis, pemindahan paksa, perampasan hak milik, pembunuhan massal, perang biologis
Korban750.000+ orang Arab Palestina diusir
Pelaku Negara Israel
Negara Palestina Eksodus Palestina 1948

Artikel utama
Keluaran Palestina 1948

Perang Palestina 1947–1949
Perang saudara 1947–1948
Perang Arab-Israel 1948
Penyebab eksodus
Hari Nakbah
Kamp pengungsi Palestina
Pengungsi Palestina
Hak pemulangan Palestina
Present absentee
Komite Peralihan
Resolusi 194

Mandat Britania atas Palestina
Deklarasi kemerdekaan Israel
Sejarah konflik Israel-Palestina
Sejarawan Baru
Palestina · Plan Dalet
Rencana pembagian 1947 · UNRWA

Insiden utama
Pertempuran Haifa
Pembantaian Deir Yassin
Eksodus dari Lydda

Penulis utama
Aref al-Aref · Yoav Gelber
Efraim Karsh · Walid Khalidi
Nur Masalha · Benny Morris
Ilan Pappe · Tom Segev
Avraham Sela · Avi Shlaim

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Bangsa Palestina

Nakba (bahasa Arab: النكبة, translit. an-Nakbah, har. '"bencana" atau "malapetaka"'),[1] juga dikenal sebagai Malapetaka Palestina, adalah penghancuran masyarakat dan tanah air Palestina. pada tahun 1948, dan pemindahan permanen sebagian besar orang Arab Palestina.[2][3] Istilah ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa tahun 1948 dan penganiayaan, pemindahan, dan pendudukan Palestina yang sedang berlangsung, baik di Tepi Barat yang diduduki dan Jalur Gaza, maupun di kamp-kamp pengungsi Palestina di seluruh wilayah tersebut.[4][5][6][7][8]

Peristiwa dasar Nakba terjadi selama dan segera setelah perang Palestina 1948, termasuk 78% dari Mandat Palestina yang dinyatakan sebagai Israel, eksodus 700.000 orang Palestina, depopulasi terkait dan penghancuran lebih dari 500 desa Palestina dan selanjutnya penghapusan geografis, penyangkalan hak Palestina untuk kembali, penciptaan pengungsi permanen Palestina dan "penghancuran masyarakat Palestina".[9][10][11][12]

Pada tahun 1998, Yasser Arafat mengusulkan agar warga Palestina menandai peringatan 50 tahun Nakba yang mendeklarasikan 15 Mei, sehari setelah kemerdekaan Israel pada tahun 1948, sebagai Hari Nakbah, meresmikan tanggal yang telah digunakan secara tidak resmi sejak tahun 1949.[13][14]

Nakba sangat memengaruhi budaya Palestina dan merupakan simbol dasar identitas Palestina, bersama dengan "Handala", keffiyeh, dan kunci simbolis. Tak terhitung banyaknya buku, lagu dan puisi yang telah ditulis tentang Nakba.[15] Penyair Palestina Mahmoud Darwish menggambarkan Nakba sebagai "masa kini yang panjang yang menjanjikan untuk berlanjut di masa depan."[16][17]

  1. ^ Honaida Ghanim (2009). "Poetics of Disaster: Nationalism, gender, and social change among Palestinian poets in Israel after Nakba". International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 22. hlm. 23–39. JSTOR 40608203. 
  2. ^ Webman 2009, hlm. 29
  3. ^ Sa'di 2002, hlm. 175
  4. ^ Hanan Ashrawi, Address by Ms. Hanan Ashrawi Diarsipkan 4 March 2021 di Wayback Machine., Durban (South Africa), 28 August 2001. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerances: "a nation in captivity held hostage to an ongoing Nakba, as the most intricate and pervasive expression of persistent colonialism, "apartheid, racism, and victimization" (original emphasis).
  5. ^ Saeb Erekat, 15 May 2016, Haaretz, Israel Must Recognize Its Responsibility for the Nakba, the Palestinian Tragedy Diarsipkan 26 February 2021 di Wayback Machine., "The two-part makeup of the Nakba was borne through the destruction of Palestine and the construction of Israel. It encompasses around 350,000 internally displaced Palestinian citizens of Israel. It is seen through a racist legislative framework which legitimized the theft of Palestinian refugee land as enumerated in the Absentee Property Law... For Palestinians worldwide, the Nakba was not merely a day in history 68 years ago, but an entire system of daily forced subjugation and dispossession culminating in today’s Apartheid regime."
  6. ^ Sa'di & Abu-Lughod 2007, hlm. 10
  7. ^ Manna' 2013, hlm. 87
  8. ^ Bashir & Goldberg 2018, hlm. 33, footnote 4: "In Palestinian writings the signifier “Nakba" came to designate two central meanings, which will be used in this volume interchangeably: (1) the 1948 disaster and (2) the ongoing occupation and colonization of Palestine that reached its peak in the catastrophe of 1948"
  9. ^ Masalha 2012, hlm. 3.
  10. ^ Dajani 2005, hlm. 42: "The nakba is the experience that has perhaps most defined Palestinian history. For the Palestinian, it is not merely a political event — the establishment of the state of Israel on 78 percent of the territory of the Palestine Mandate, or even, primarily a humanitarian one — the creation of the modern world's most enduring refugee problem. The nakba is of existential significance to Palestinians, representing both the shattering of the Palestinian community in Palestine and the consolidation of a shared national consciousness."
  11. ^ Sa'di & Abu-Lughod 2007, hlm. 3: "For Palestinians, the 1948 War led indeed to a "catastrophe." A society disintegrated, a people dispersed, and a complex and historically changing but taken for granted communal life was ended violently. The Nakba has thus become, both in Palestinian memory and history, the demarcation line between two qualitatively opposing periods. After 1948, the lives of the Palestinians at the individual, community, and national level were dramatically and irreversibly changed."
  12. ^ Khalidi, Rashid I. (1992). "Observations on the Right of Return". Journal of Palestine Studies. 21 (2): 29–40. doi:10.2307/2537217. JSTOR 2537217. Only by understanding the centrality of the catastrophe of politicide and expulsion that befell the Palestinian people - al-nakba in Arabic - is it possible to understand the Palestinians' sense of the right of return 
  13. ^ Schmemann, Serge (15 May 1998). "MIDEAST TURMOIL: THE OVERVIEW; 9 Palestinians Die in Protests Marking Israel's Anniversary". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 5 March 2022. Diakses tanggal 7 April 2021. We are not asking for a lot. We are not asking for the moon. We are asking to close the chapter of nakba once and for all, for the refugees to return and to build an independent Palestinian state on our land, our land, our land, just like other peoples. We want to celebrate in our capital, holy Jerusalem, holy Jerusalem, holy Jerusalem. 
  14. ^ Gladstone, Rick (15 May 2021). "An annual day of Palestinian grievance comes amid the upheaval". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 15 May 2021. Diakses tanggal 15 May 2021. 
  15. ^ Masalha 2012, hlm. 11.
  16. ^ Darwish 2001.
  17. ^ Williams 2009, hlm. 89.

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