Partai Demokrat Liberal 自由民主党 atau 自民党 Jiyū-Minshutō atau Jimintō | |
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Singkatan | LDP |
Presiden | Shigeru Ishiba |
Wakil Presiden | Yoshihide Suga |
Sekretaris Jenderal | Hiroshi Moriyama |
Ketua di Dewan Penasihat | Masakazu Sekiguchi |
Dibentuk | 15 November 1955 |
Digabungkan dari | |
Kantor pusat | 11-23, Nagatachō 1-chome, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-8910, Jepang |
Surat kabar | Jiyū Minshu[1] |
Keanggotaan (2022) | ![]() |
Ideologi | Faksi: Ultranasionalisme[13][18][19] Konservatisme sosial[20][21][22] Liberalisme[23][24] |
Posisi politik | Sayap kanan[25][a] |
Warna | Merah[a][26] dan Hijau[b][27] |
Himne | "われら"[28] ("We") |
Anggota Dewan Penasihat | 113 / 245 |
Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat | 285 / 465 |
Anggota majelis prefektur[29] | 1.301 / 2.668 |
Anggota majelis desa, kota, dan kotamadya[29] | 2.180 / 29.762 |
Lambang pemilu | |
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Situs web | | | |
^ a: Partai Demokrat Liberal adalah sebuah partai tenda besar berideologi konservatif.[30][31] LDP juga dideskripsikan sebagai partai berporos kanan tengah,[32] tetapi LDP memiliki faksi berporos kanan jauh[33] dan ultrakonservatif,[34] dan banyak anggotanya merupakan bagian dari Nippon Kaigi, serta faksi-faksi yang lebih berporos ke politik sentris.[35] |
Partai Demokrat Liberal Jepang (自由民主党 , Jiyū-Minshutō), sering kali disingkat menjadi LDP atau Jimintō (自民党 ), adalah sebuah partai politik di Jepang yang berideologi konservatif.[36]
LDP hampir terus-menerus berkuasa sejak didirikan pada tahun 1955—periode yang disebut Sistem 1955—dengan pengecualian antara periode tahun 1993 sampai 1994, dan lagi dari tahun 2009 sampai 2012. Pada pemilihan umum tahun 2012, LDP kembali memegang kendali atas pemerintahan. LDP merebut 285 kursi di majelis rendah dan 113 kursi di majelis tinggi, dan setelah berkoalisi dengan Komeito, mereka berhasil meraih status supermayoritas atau memiliki dua per tiga suara di kedua majelis tersebut. Selain Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe, banyak anggota serta mantan menteri LDP juga menjadi bagian dari Nippon Kaigi, sebuah organisasi ultranasionalis dan pendukung sistem monarki.[18][37]
Two years later, then-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, a socialist who led a coalition with the conservative Liberal Democratic Party, made a "heartfelt apology" for suffering caused by Japan's "colonial rule and aggression."
... he should venture to dissolve the House of Representatives for a snap general election to coincide with the upper house poll," said a conservative LDP legislator.
He was referring to events that unfolded after his conservative LDP suffered a huge defeat in a 2007 upper house poll. Two months later, Abe quit as premier after just one year.
But Nobuaki Kojima, who heads the conservative Liberal Democratic party group in the assembly, said the change was also a recognition of changing attitudes towards women in the workplace.
Mr Abe said he took responsibility for having appointed both women, and that they would be replaced within a day. Both are members of his governing conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
The telephone poll conducted by Kyodo News over the weekend found that 64.8 percent of respondents opposed the legislation and 27.6 percent supported it. The Diet, dominated by the conservative Liberal Democratic Party, passed the bill on Friday despite stiff resistance from opposition parties.
Exit polls indicated that the conservative Liberal Democratic party has been returned to office after winning almost 300 seats in the lower house, which has 480 members. The new prime minister will be Shinzo Abe, a hawkish former prime minister, who is expected to revise the country’s pacifist constitution.
[The] conservative Liberal Democratic party in Japan won back power in an election landslide today, returning Shinzo Abe, a former prime minister.
Even though much of the Japanese public does not agree with the LDP’s nationalist platform, the party won big electoral victories by promising to replace the DPJ's weakness with strong leadership – particularly on the economy, but also in foreign affairs.
In Japan, populist and extreme right-wing nationalism has found a home within the political establishment.
As a new emperor takes the throne, prime minister Abe is consolidating his ultranationalist “beautiful Japan” project. But can he overcome a falling population and stagnating economy?
The shifting dynamics around the new era name (gengō 元号) offers an opportunity to understand how the domestic politics of the LDP’s project of ultranationalism is shaping a new Japan and a new form of nationalism.
Abe also rewarded right-wing politicians who are close to him — so-called ‘ideological friends’ who are being increasingly pushed to the forefront of his administration — such as LDP Executive Acting Secretary-General Koichi Hagiuda who was appointed Education Minister. As a member of the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference), which seeks to promote patriotic education, he can be considered ‘reliable’ as the government’s policy leader on national education.
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ところが、現実の政治はもっと複雑です。自民党にもリベラル派がたくさんいるからです。自民党は考え方の近い人たちが派閥というグループをつくっています。(However, real politics is more complicated. This is because there are many liberals in the LDP. The Liberal Democratic Party is made up of groups of people with similar ideas, called factions.)
「トップダウンからボトムアップへ」「多様性を尊重する社会へ」など、リベラル色を前面に掲げ、安倍政権との違いを強調した。(He emphasized the differences from the Abe administration by putting liberal colors in the foreground, such as "from top-down to bottom-up" and "to a society that respects diversity".)
tidak sah;
tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama HookGilson20012
Abe’s center-right Liberal Democratic Party (LDP),
In Japan, populist and extreme right-wing nationalism has found a home within the political establishment.
Another sign of the rise of the uyoku dantai’s ideas is the growing power of the Nippon Kaigi. The organization is the largest far-right group in Japan and has heavy lobbying clout with the conservative LDP; 18 of the 20 members of Shinzo Abe’s cabinet were once members of the group.
Of those three victories, the first election in December 2012 was a rout of the leftist Democratic Party of Japan and it thrust the more powerful Lower House of Parliament firmly into the hands of the long-incumbent Liberal Democratic Party under Abe. The second election in December 2014 further normalized Japan’s lurch to the far right, giving the ruling coalition a supermajority of 2/3 of the seats in the Lower House.
Mr. Abe is strongly supported by the far right wing of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which hews to tradition and tends toward insularity.
... of the war and viewed the 1947 Constitution as illegitimate as it was written not by the Japanese people but forced upon the country by the U.S. Occupation Authority. Abe shares these beliefs, in common with many within the LDP's far right.
... 12 Seirankai: an extreme-right faction formed within the LDP in July 1973; after Kim Dae Jung was abducted from ...
When Abe appointed five female ministers in September, two of which were forced to step down over scandals, a number of political commentators viewed the move with some cynicism, suggesting that the prime minister didn’t pay much attention to the qualifications of the candidates. Most of the women he chose were ultra-conservatives such as Eriko Yamatani, minister in charge of the North Korea abductee issue.
Electoral system changes and three years in opposition helped ultra-conservative lawmakers and lobby groups strengthen their clout in the LDP.
A union of centrist and rightwing parties created with US support after the second world war
The LDP is a broad party whose members share a commitment to economic growth and free trade, but whose other political beliefs span from the center to the far right.
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