Berikut adalah transkripsi video podcast behind the scenes film dokumenter "The Truth in Numbers" di Jakarta. Yang rencananya akan ditampilkan di seminar tentang Wikipedia, 17 Maret 2007.
Underdog Pictures tiba di Jakarta.
- Narator (Nic Hill)
- Whaddup, this is Nic. Comin' at you from "The Truth in Numbers". Just giving you a recap of what happened in Indonesia.
- We flew into Jakarta.
- We checked into our hotel, the first hotel that we stayed at this entire time. It's all been hostels before this. So it was sorta like a luxurious experience. It was pretty nice. We weren't used to that. We certainly enjoyed it.
Di kamar hotel, Nic kebingungan melihat panah yang menunjukan arah kiblat.
- Nic
- Look at this weird arrow. In our room, I don't know why. Pointing to the spine. There's a spine on the wall.
- Were in Jakarta right now. Just went to the local store to pick up some beers. It's a whole other world. People seem cool. So we'll see.
Underdog Pictures bertemu dengan Wikipedian Indonesia.
- Narator
- In the morning we met up with Revo, and Chika, and Stan. They're three Wikipedians from Jakarta. And they have met up before.
- Borgx
- Nama saya Stanley.
- Serenity
- His name is Stan.
Serenity menanyai guru anak-anak SD tentang internet di sekolah.
- Serenity
- Di sekolah gimana? Ada internet?
- Guru
- Belum.
- Serenity
- Belom ada?
Underdog Pictures dibawa keliling Jakarta.
- Narator
- They showed us around the city, took us out to eat.
- We were really lucky, because Revo actually lives in the Netherlands but he was on vacation here in Indonesia. And he is thought as sort of the father of Indonesia's Wikipedia. So, it was really an honor to meet him, and he took all his free time over the next two days and drove us around the city. And showed us everything.
- He took us to a college, and we interviewed all kinds of students on how they thought about Wikipedia.
- We also saw the national monument which is like a very large, long tower. And we went to the top of it and filmed. It was awesome.
- One thing that you should know about Indonesia is that they have a very poor internet connection here, and I think it's something that Westerners take for granted, like high speed DSL, and how portable it is. So, a lot of them have to deal with, you know, 56K dial-up style. That's a real bummer.
- We tried to put our pod up. And we were able to compress it down to 12 megabytes, but we spent almost 2 hours in the cyber cafe, trying to upload it this to YouTube, and it just wouldn't work. So, it took a lot of time, and we eventually gave up. So we were unable to send the Taipei pod here in Indonesia.
Grup berkumpul di rumah Meursault2004.
- Adam
- So we're in Revo's house, we meet up here, drinking our juice, and our fruits.
- It's very good. (tertawa)
Underdog Pictures di bandara.
- Narator
- When we get to the airport in Changi, we'll be able to upload the Taipei [pod], and you can see that.
- We're about to leave, right now, from Jakarta, and arrive in Changi, and then to India. We're supposed to meet up with Jimmy Wales, and, we'll be following him for the next week or so.
- Everyone in Indonesia was very friendly to us, and we had an awesome time.
- We're tired, it's been, what, like almost 2 weeks now, maybe a little bit less than that. And everyday has been non-stop, and on airplanes all the time, and, you know, it's just the way it is. So, we're looking forward to ending it.
Bagian yang dimunculkan di paling akhir.
- Serenity
- Oh, by the way, I'm gonna give you my name card, can you send me your pictures?
- Nic
- Yes, of course, yeah.
- Meursault2004
- You have to be careful–because she's flirting.
- Semua
- (tertawa)
- Serenity
- Iih, amit-amit.
- No, I'm not.