Gerakan Hak Sipil dan Perdamaian התנועה לזכויות האזרח ולשלום | |
Ketua umum | Shulamit Aloni Yossi Sarid |
Dibentuk | 1973 |
Dibubarkan | 1997 |
Digabungkan dengan | Meretz |
Ideologi | Sosialisme liberal[1][2] Civil libertarianism[3] Sekulerisme Anti-rohaniwan[4] Politik Hijau[5] Feminisme Solusi dua negara Zionisme Buruh |
Posisi politik | Sayap kiri[6] |
Anggota Knesset terbanyak | 6 (1992) |
Lambang pemilu | |
רצ | |
Ratz (Ibrani: רצ), bernama resmi Gerakan Hak Sipil dan Perdamaian (Ibrani: התנועה לזכויות האזרח ולשלום, HaTnua'a LeZkhuyot HaEzrah VeLaShalom) adalah sebuah partai politik sayap kiri di Israel yang berfokus pada hak asasi manusia, hak sipil, dan hak wanita.[7][8][9] Parpol tersebut aktif dari 1973 sampai digabung dengan Meretz pada 1997.
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT (Rotz). This radical, dovish, and anticlerical party was founded in 1973 by Shulamit Aloni, a noted civil rights activist, who failed to win renomination on the Labor Party* ticket.
In terms of social and economic policy, Labor is a social democratic party; Mapam, the old socialist left; CRM is an Israeli-style Green party; and Shinui is what Terry Clark has described as Neo-Populist—fiscally conservative and liberal on life-style issues.
Hatnua Lezlmiot Haezrah (the Civil Rights Movement, or CRM) is primarily interested in protecting the secular character of the State of Israel and the civil rights of its citizens. The CRM advocates a liberal economic policy and a dovish stand in the Israeli-Arab conflict.