Infobox comics creator |
Infobox comics creator may be used to summarise information about a person who is a comics creator.
The infobox may be added by pasting the template as shown below into an article. Only the name and birth_date parameters are required. For an example, see Jerry Siegel.
{{{name}}} {{{name_nonEN}}} | |
Wikipe-tan berkata: "Anda tidak boleh menggunakan gambar berlisensi penggunaan wajar di luar ruang nama artikel!" | |
Lahir | {{{birth_name}}} {{{birth_date}}} {{{birth_place}}} |
Meninggal | {{{death_date}}} {{{death_place}}} |
Negara | Dual: {{{nationality}}} and {{{nationality2}}} |
Area | {{{area}}} |
Alias | {{{alias}}} |
Karya terkenal | {{{notable works}}} |
Kolaborasi | {{{collaborators}}} |
Penghargaan | {{{awards}}} |
Pasangan | {{{spouse}}} |
Anak-anak | {{{children}}} |
Relasi | {{{relatives}}} |
Tanda tangan | |
[[Berkas:{{{signature}}}|150px|alt={{{signature_alt}}}]] | |
{{{module}}} | |
{{{website}}} |
{{Infobox comics creator | name = | name_nonEN = | nonUS = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | birth_name = | birth_date = | birth_place = | death_date = | death_place = | nationality = | nationality2 = | area = | alias = | notable works = | collaborators = | awards = | spouse = | children = | relatives = | signature = | signature_alt = | module = | website = | bodyclass = }}
{{Infobox comics creator | bodyclass = hlist | manga artist = y | cartoonist = y | writer = y | penciller = y | artist = y | inker = y | editor = y | publisher = y | letterer = y | colorist = y }}
Infobox comics creator | |
Area | Mangaka, Penyunting, Penerbit, Penulis huruf, Pewarna |
{{Infobox comics creator | manga artist = y | cartoonist = y | writer = y | penciller = y | artist = y | inker = y | editor = y | publisher = y | letterer = y | colorist = y }}
Infobox comics creator | |
Area | Kartunis, Penulis, Pemensil, Seniman, Peninta, Penyunting, Penerbit, Penulis huruf, Pewarna |
{{Infobox comics creator | cartoonist = y | writer = y | penciller = y | artist = y | inker = y | editor = y | publisher = y | letterer = y | colorist = y }}
{{URL||optional display text}}
as in example|name_nonEN=
because it determines the language code parameter passed to the {{lang}} template which wraps the name; if it is not specified you will get a visible error and the article will be added to Category:Lang and lang-xx template errors. It also changes the spelling of the term "colorist" (American spelling) to "colourist" (British spelling).|nonUS=
parameterTemplat ini menggunakan fitur sintaks templat yang rumit.
Anda seharusnya sudah memahami penyetelan dan fungsi parser sebelum menyunting templat ini. Jika suntingan Anda menyebabkan permasalahan yang tidak diinginkan, mohon untuk membaliknya secepatnya, karena templat ini mungkin muncul pada sejumlah besar halaman. Ingat bahwa semua percobaan dan perbaikan harus diuji terlebih dahulu di Bak pasir atau di ruang pengguna Anda sebelum mengubah sesuatu di sini. |