Il termine anarchismo cristiano è ognuma delle molteplici tradizioni che combinano l' anarchismo with Cristianità.
Nella tradizione del pacifismo cristiano il testo Il regno di Dio è in voi di Lev Tplstoj è consideraro un testo chiave. Tolstoj ha cercato di separare
In the pacifist tradition, Leo Tolstoy's The Kingdom of God Is Within You[1] is regarded as a key text. Tolstoy sought to separate Russian Orthodox Christianity, which was merged with the state, from what he believed was the true message of Jesus as contained in the four Gospels and specifically the Sermon on the Mount. Tolstoy takes the viewpoint that all governments who wage war, and churches who in turn support those governments, are an affront to the Christian principles of nonviolence and nonresistance.
Christian anarchism appears closer to communist anarchism than to individualist anarchism[2], except for some strains of Christian anarchism that appeared in America which are more individualistic.[3]