Steak Diane minangka sajian daging sapi sing digoreng wajan kanthi saus sing digawe saka jus wajan, umume disiapake ing meja restoran, lan kadang flambé . Iki bisa uga ditemokake ing London utawa New York ing taun 1930-an. Wiwit taun 1940-an nganti taun 1960-an, iki minangka sajian standar ing "Masakan Kontinental", [1][2][3][4] lan saiki dianggep Retro . [5][6][7]
Steak Diane padha karo steak au poivre . [8] Steak dipotong utawa ditumbuk lancip supaya cepet masak. Punika akeh pengalamane karo uyah lan mrico, cepet sauteed ing butter, lan disisihaké. Saos disiapake saka jus wajan kanthi macem-macem rasa. Tiga resep kutha New York wiwit taun 1953 nggunakake sawetara bahan kajaba uyah, mrico, lan mentega: brendi, sherry, chives (Sherry-Netherland); chives, mustar garing, jus lemon, saus Worcestershire (Drake); chives, peterseli, saus Worcestershire (Colony). Mung resep Sherry-Netherland kanthi eksplisit sing nyebut flambéing. [9] Resep-resep liyane bisa nggunakake chives, Kecap Inggris, sawi, thinly ngiris jamur, shallots, krim, truffles, stock daging, utawa komersial sauce steak . Saos kasebut dikebaki nganggo brandy, sherry garing, utawa Madeira, lan diwutahake menyang steak.
↑Max Jacobson, "Blast from a tasty past", Los Angeles Times, March 26, 1998 : "steak Diane and all the other Continental dishes an up-to-date foodie would be embarrassed to admit knowing of"
↑Lobel's Culinary Club, August 17, 2012 : "Steak Diane is among those popular dishes in ubiquitous cosmopolitan, Continental-style restaurants of the 1950s and ’60s that combined high style with leather banquettes, white-linen table cloths and dishes of American and European influences, a bit of theater and dramatic preparation."
↑Mark R. Vogel, "Diana: The Legacy of the Huntress", FoodReference : "One thing is for sure. Steak Diane was the rage in the 50s and early 60s, especially in New York."
↑Pierre Franey, "60-Minute Gourmet; Steak Diane", New York Times, January 31, 1979
↑Florence Fabricant, "New Wave in the East River: David Burke", New York Times November 9, 1988, characterizes it as "retro"
↑Leah Koenig, "Lost Foods of New York City: Steak Diane", Politico, March 14, 2012 : "Lost Foods of New York City is a column that celebrates the food and drink that once fed the city, but have disappeared.... America’s collective obsession with all things mid-century New York City is back in full martini-slinging force. What better time, then, to celebrate steak Diane—a dish so quintessentially retro-glamorous, it might as well be called steak Don Draper."
↑Jan Aaron, 101 Great Choices: Washington DC, Part 3, p. 76
↑Mark Bittman, "The Minimalist: A Tender Celebration", New York Times, 8 February 2006 full text