Diane stik

Steak Diane
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Panggonan asalUnited States, United Kingdom, or Belgium
DigawéBartolomeo Calderoni or Beniamino Schiavon
Woworan pokokbeefsteak
Buku masakan: Steak Diane  Médhia: Steak Diane

Steak Diane minangka sajian daging sapi sing digoreng wajan kanthi saus sing digawe saka jus wajan, umume disiapake ing meja restoran, lan kadang flambé . Iki bisa uga ditemokake ing London utawa New York ing taun 1930-an. Wiwit taun 1940-an nganti taun 1960-an, iki minangka sajian standar ing "Masakan Kontinental", [1] [2] [3] [4] lan saiki dianggep Retro . [5] [6] [7]

Steak Diane padha karo steak au poivre . [8] Steak dipotong utawa ditumbuk lancip supaya cepet masak. Punika akeh pengalamane karo uyah lan mrico, cepet sauteed ing butter, lan disisihaké. Saos disiapake saka jus wajan kanthi macem-macem rasa. Tiga resep kutha New York wiwit taun 1953 nggunakake sawetara bahan kajaba uyah, mrico, lan mentega: brendi, sherry, chives (Sherry-Netherland); chives, mustar garing, jus lemon, saus Worcestershire (Drake); chives, peterseli, saus Worcestershire (Colony). Mung resep Sherry-Netherland kanthi eksplisit sing nyebut flambéing. [9] Resep-resep liyane bisa nggunakake chives, Kecap Inggris, sawi, thinly ngiris jamur, shallots, krim, truffles, stock daging, utawa komersial sauce steak . Saos kasebut dikebaki nganggo brandy, sherry garing, utawa Madeira, lan diwutahake menyang steak.

  1. Max Jacobson, "Blast from a tasty past", Los Angeles Times, March 26, 1998 : "steak Diane and all the other Continental dishes an up-to-date foodie would be embarrassed to admit knowing of"
  2. Lobel's Culinary Club, August 17, 2012 : "Steak Diane is among those popular dishes in ubiquitous cosmopolitan, Continental-style restaurants of the 1950s and ’60s that combined high style with leather banquettes, white-linen table cloths and dishes of American and European influences, a bit of theater and dramatic preparation."
  3. Mark R. Vogel, "Diana: The Legacy of the Huntress", FoodReference : "One thing is for sure. Steak Diane was the rage in the 50s and early 60s, especially in New York."
  4. Pierre Franey, "60-Minute Gourmet; Steak Diane", New York Times, January 31, 1979
  5. Florence Fabricant, "New Wave in the East River: David Burke", New York Times November 9, 1988, characterizes it as "retro"
  6. Leah Koenig, "Lost Foods of New York City: Steak Diane", Politico, March 14, 2012 : "Lost Foods of New York City is a column that celebrates the food and drink that once fed the city, but have disappeared.... America’s collective obsession with all things mid-century New York City is back in full martini-slinging force. What better time, then, to celebrate steak Diane—a dish so quintessentially retro-glamorous, it might as well be called steak Don Draper."
  7. Jan Aaron, 101 Great Choices: Washington DC, Part 3, p. 76
  8. Mark Bittman, "The Minimalist: A Tender Celebration", New York Times, 8 February 2006 full text
  9. Nickerson, Jane (January 25, 1953). "Steak Worthy of the Name". New York Times Magazine. kc. 32. also quoted in Olver, Lynne (2000). "Steak Diane". The Food Timeline.

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