Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton
Head and shoulders portrait of man in black with shoulder-length gray hair, a large sharp nose, and an abstracted gaze
Potrèt Isaac Newton karya Godfrey Kneller taun 1689
(umur 46)
Lair(1643-01-04)4 Januari 1643
[OS: 25 Dhésèmber 1642][1]
Lincolnshire, Inggris
Pati31 Maret 1727(1727-03-31) (umur 84)
[OS: 20 Maret 1726][1]
Kensington, Middlesex, Inggris
Alma materTrinity College, Cambridge
Kondhang ingNewtonian mechanics
Universal gravitation
Infinitesimal calculus
Binomial series
Newton's method
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Karièr ngèlmiah
Babaganfisika, matematika, astronomi, filsafat alam, alkemi, Teologi Kristen
InstitutionsUniversitas Cambridge
Royal Society
Royal Mint
Juru pamrayogaIsaac Barrow[2]
Benjamin Pulleyn[3][4]
Mahasiswa wigatiRoger Cotes
William Whiston
MrabawaniHenry More[5]
Polish Brethren[6]
KaprabawanNicolas Fatio de Duillier
John Keill
Tandha tangan
Is. Newton
Hannah Ayscough iku ibuné. Catherine Barton iku ponakané.
Pèngetan pratuduh: Page using Template:Infobox scientist with unknown parameter "religion"
Pèngetan pratuduh: Page using Template:Infobox scientist with unknown parameter "ethnicity"

Isaac Newton, ingkang miyos wonten ing tanggal 25 Desember 1642 lan seda ing 20 Maret 1726/27, dadosipun polymath lan filsuf alam ingkang asal saking Inggris.[7] Newton tansah aktif wonten ing babagan kawruh alam lan mbiyantu wonten ing jaman Revolusi Ilmiah lan Zaman Pencerahan. Wonten ing karyanipun "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" ingkang dipunbabar wonten ing taun 1687, Newton nggabungaken hasil panaliten ingkang sampun wonten lan nyiptakaken dasar-dasar mekanika klasik..[8][9] Kanthi tembang kangge panaliten optika lan pengembangan kalkulus infinitesimal bebarengan kaliyan Leibniz, sanadyan Newton ngembangaken kalkulus langkung rumiyin tinimbang Leibniz, dhawuh kawruhipun Newton dados tanda penting wonten ing donya ilmu pengetahuan.[10][11][12][13]

Newton dipunkawruh dados salah satunggaling ilmuwan ingkang gadhah pengaruh ageng wonten ing sejarah. Wonten ing bukunipun "Principia," Newton ngrumusaken hukum gerakan lan hukum gravitasi universal, ingkang tetep dados pandangan ilmiah dominan ngantos dipun-gantos kaliyan teori relativitas. Newton ugi ngangge teori gravitasi kangge nerangaken macem-macem fenomena astronomi lan terestrial, nyantosaken model heliosentris saking Tata Surya.[14] Newton nyatakaken bilih gerakan obyek ing bumi lan ing luar angkasa nurut karo prinsip-prinsip ingkang padha. Teori Newton ingkang nyatakaken bilih Bumi bentukipun oblate spheroid dipunpastekaken dening panaliti sanesipun mengko, nglengkapi keefektifan mekanika Newtonian.

Newton ugi kondhang amargi pembangunan teleskop pantul praktis kapisan lan ngembangaken teori warna adhedhasar percobaan prisma. Karyanipun wonten ing babagan cahya dipunbabar wonten ing buku "Opticks" ingkang dipunbabar wonten ing taun 1704. Newton ngrumusaken hukum pendinginan, ngitung kecepatan swanten, lan ngintrokduksi konsep fluida Newtonian. Wonten ing babagan matematika, Newton nyumbangaken kawruh ing babagan seri kuasa, pengumuman teorema binomial, metode kangge ngaproksimasi akar fungsi, lan klasifikasi kurva bidang kubik. Newton, wonten ing wanci lan kawruhipun, dados figur kangge dieling-eling amargi kontribusinipun ingkang ageng tumrap kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan lan teknologi.

  1. a b During Newton's lifetime, two calendars were in use in Europe: the Julian ("Old Style") calendar in Protestant and Orthodox regions, including Britain; and the Gregorian ("New Style") calendar in Roman Catholic Europe. At Newton's birth, Gregorian dates were ten days ahead of Julian dates: thus his birth is recorded as taking place on 25 December 1642 Old Style, but can be converted to a New Style (modern) date of 4 January 1643. By the time of his death, the difference between the calendars had increased to eleven days: moreover, he died in the period after the start of the New Style year on 1 January, but before that of the Old Style new year on 25 March. His death occurred on 20 March 1726 according to the Old Style calendar, but the year is usually adjusted to 1727. A full conversion to New Style gives the date 31 March 1727. See Thony, Christie (2015) Calendrical confusion or just when did Newton die?, The Renaissance Mathematicus, retrieved 20 March 2015 from
  2. Mordechai Feingold, Barrow, Isaac (1630–1677), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edn, May 2007; accessed 24 February 2009; explained further in Mordechai Feingold " Newton, Leibniz, and Barrow Too: An Attempt at a Reinterpretation"; Isis, Vol. 84, No. 2 (June, 1993), pp. 310-338
  3. Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Newton, Isaac, n.4
  4. Gjersten, Derek (1986). The Newton Handbook. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  5. Westfall, Richard S. (1983) [1980]. Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. kc. 530–531. ISBN 978-0-521-27435-7.
  6. Snobelen, Stephen D. (1999). "Isaac Newton, heretic: the strategies of a Nicodemite" (PDF). British Journal for the History of Science. 32 (4): 381–419. doi:10.1017/S0007087499003751.
  7. Alex, Berezow (4 February 2022). "Who was the smartest person in the world?". Big Think. Dibukak ing 28 September 2023.
  8. Whiteside, D. T. (1991). "The Prehistory of the 'Principia' from 1664 to 1686". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London. 45 (1): 11–61. doi:10.1098/rsnr.1991.0002. ISSN 0035-9149. JSTOR 531520. S2CID 145338571.
  9. Gandt, F. D. (2014). Force and Geometry in Newton's Principia. Princeton University Press. kc. ix–xii. ISBN 978-1-4008-6412-6.
  10. Simmons, John (1997). The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present. Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-8065-1749-0.
  11. Tyson, Peter (15 November 2005). "Newton's Legacy". NOVA. PBS. Dibukak ing 28 September 2023.
  12. "Newton beats Einstein in polls of scientists and the public". Royal Society. 23 November 2005. Dibukak ing 28 September 2023.
  13. "Isaac Newton". New Scientist. Dibukak ing 28 September 2023.
  14. More, Louis Trenchard (1934). Isaac Newton, a Biography (ing basa Inggris). Dover Publications. kc. 327.

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