Thanks for creating an automatic taxobox. We don't know the taxonomy of "Jarong".
Is "Jarong" the scientific name of your taxon? If you were editing the page "Animal", you'd need to specify |taxon=Animalia. If you've changed this, press "Preview" to update this message.
Click here to enter the taxonomic details for "Jarong".
Common parameters
|authority= Who described the taxon
|parent_authority= Who described the next taxon up the list
|display_parents=4 force the display of (e.g.) 4 parent taxa
Karakteristik fisik tanduran iki kalebu batang persegi panjang, kanthi akeh cabang; godhong siji lan gagang, kanthi bentuk oval oval kaya endhog. Dawane godhong tanduran Jarong wiwit 1,5-10 cm kanthi lumahing godhong wulu.