Nepenthes distillatoria

Nepenthes distillatoria
Wujudé tetuwuhan Nepenthes distillatoria ing Alas Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Klasifikasi ngèlmiah e
Karajan: Plantae
Klad: Tracheophyta
Klad: Angiospermae
Klad: Eudikotil
Ordho: Caryophyllales
Famili: Nepenthaceae
Génus: Nepenthes
Spésies: N. distillatoria
Jeneng binomial
Nepenthes distillatoria
L. (1753)
Panyebaran N. distillatoria.

Nepenthes distillatoria ya iku sawijining tetuwuhan tropis kang asalé saka Sri Lanka. Tetuwuhan iki kalebu tetuwuhan kang mangan kewan gegremetan (karnivora). Ing pérangan tetuwuhan iki ana kantong kang isiné jebakan kanggo kewan gegremetan. Kèwan gegremetan tiba ing jeroné kantong banjur dipangan déning tetuwuhan iki. Ing pérangan ngisor kantong ana cuèran kang duwé piguna kaanggo ngremuk lan maamah kèwan gegremetan. Miturut IUCN, status konservasi tetuwuhan iki kalebu mutawatiri.[15]

  1. Clarke, C.M.; Cantley, R.; Nerz, J.; Rischer, H.; Witsuba, A. (2000). "Nepenthes distillatoria". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2000: e.T39656A10254604. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2000.RLTS.T39656A10254604.en.
  2. (ing basa Prancis) Brongniart, A. 1824. Observations sur les genres Cytinus et Nepenthes. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 1: 29–52.
  3. a b c (ing basa Basa Jerman) Beck, G. 1895. Die Gattung Nepenthes. Wiener Illustrirte Garten-Zeitung 20(3–6): 96–107, 141–150, 182–192, 217–229.
  4. Danser, B.H. 1928. The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, Série III, 9(3–4): 249–438.
  5. Smith, W.G. 1882. New garden plants. Nepenthes hirsuta var. glabrescens. The Gardeners' Chronicle, new series, 17(430): 398–399.
  6. [Anonymous] 1877. Reports of Societies. Royal Horticultural. The Gardeners' Chronicle 8(197): 441.
  7. Chapman, V.J. 1947. A new endemic species of Nepenthes. Ceylon Journal of Science, Section A: Botany, 12(4): 221–222.
  8. (ing basa Latin) Hermann, H. 1726. Badura. In: Musaeum Zeylanicum, sive catalogus plantarum, in Zeylana Sponte Nascentium, observatarum & descriptarum. D. vander Vecht, Lugduni Batavorum. p. 16.
  9. (ing basa Latin) Hermann, H. 1726. Bandura. In: Musaeum Zeylanicum, sive catalogus plantarum, in Zeylana Sponte Nascentium, observatarum & descriptarum. D. vander Vecht, Lugduni Batavorum. p. 37.
  10. Ray, J. 1686. Bandura cingalensium etc. Historia Plantarum 1: 721–722.
  11. Burmann, J. 1737. Thesaurus Zeylanicus. Amsterdam.
  12. Breyne, J. 1680. Bandura zingalensium etc. Prodromus Fasciculi Rariorum Plantarum 1: 18.
  13. Bartholinus, T. 1677. Miranda herba. Acta Medica et Philosophica Hafniensa 3: 38.
  14. Grimm, H.N. 1683. Planta mirabilis destillatoria. In: Miscellanea curiosa sive Ephemeridum. Med. Phys. Germ. Acad. Nat. Cur. Decuriae 2, ann. prim. p. 363, f. 27.
  15. "Nepenthes distillatoria - Useful Tropical Plants". Dibukak ing 2019-12-28.

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