Synapsida ('fused arch'), utawa theropsida ('rai kéwan'), kelas sato kéwan sing kalebu mamalia lan saliyané amniota urip liyané.[ 4] Anggota non-mamalia karan reptil mèmper mamalia sajeroning sistematika klasik,[ 5] [ 6] nanging karan "mamalia batang " utawa "proto-mammalia " sajeroning terminologi cladistic .
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↑ Seeley, Harry Govier (1895). "Researches on the Structure, Organisation, and Classification of the Fossil Reptilia. Part X. On the Complete Skeleton of an Anomodont Reptile (Aristodesmus rutimeyeri , Wiedersheim), from the Bunter Sandstone of Reihen, near Basel, Giving New Evidence of the Relation of the Anomodontia to the Monotremata" . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London . 59 : 167–169. doi :10.1098/rspl.1895.0070 .
↑ Laurin and Reisz 2007.
↑ Carroll 1988: 397.
↑ Benton 2005: 122.