Ximiya | |
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Significant person | Dmitriy Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov |
Atındaǵı | alchemy |
Replaces | alchemy |
Is the study of | chemical compound, group or class of chemical substances, chemical element, chemical substance |
Hashtag | chemistry |
Derekte súwretlengen | Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4. Auflage (1885–1890, Ottův slovník naučný, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary |
Has characteristic | branch of chemistry, Xïmïyalıq atawlar |
History of topic | history of chemistry |
Practiced by | ximik, chemistry student |
Wikimedia joybarınıń dıqqat orayında | Wikipedia:Hámme Wikipedialarda bolıwı tiyis maqalalar dizimi, Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 |
Maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject Chemistry |
Sociallıq tarmaqlardaǵı jazılıwshılar sanı | 1 901 688 |
Til qısqartpası | kimya. |
Stack Exchange site URL | https://chemistry.stackexchange.com |
Quramlıq bólegi | organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, Bioximiya, analytical chemistry, food chemistry, environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry |
...dan parıqlı | Chemia |
Birdey bolıw itimallıǵı | general chemistry |
Turaqlı tákirarlanıwshı element | Q19942174 |
Commons galereyası | Chemistry |
Commons kategoriyası | Chemistry |
Topic's main Wikimedia portal | Portal:Chemistry |
Temanıń tiykarǵı kategoriyası | |
Chemistry |
Ximiya (arabsha کيمياء áyyemgi grekshe: χυμα — "(metal)", "Quyiw", "aǵim", áyyemgi grekshe: χυμευσις — "qaralmaq") — zatlar, olardıń ózgeshelikleri, payda bolıwı hám ximiyalıq reaktsiyalardıń nátijesinde aralasıwı, hám sol zattıń basqa bir nársege aylanıw protsessin úyrenetuǵın ilim.