
, ,
Significant person Dmitriy Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov
Atındaǵı alchemy
Replaces alchemy
Is the study of chemical compound, group or class of chemical substances, chemical element, chemical substance
Hashtag chemistry
Derekte súwretlengen Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4. Auflage (1885–1890, Ottův slovník naučný, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary
Has characteristic branch of chemistry, Xïmïyalıq atawlar
History of topic history of chemistry
Practiced by ximik, chemistry student
Wikimedia joybarınıń dıqqat orayında Wikipedia:Hámme Wikipedialarda bolıwı tiyis maqalalar dizimi, Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4
Maintained by WikiProject WikiProject Chemistry
Sociallıq tarmaqlardaǵı jazılıwshılar sanı 1 901 688
Til qısqartpası kimya.
Stack Exchange site URL https://chemistry.stackexchange.com
Quramlıq bólegi organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, Bioximiya, analytical chemistry, food chemistry, environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry
...dan parıqlı Chemia
Birdey bolıw itimallıǵı general chemistry
Turaqlı tákirarlanıwshı element Q19942174
Commons galereyası Chemistry
Commons kategoriyası Chemistry
Topic's main Wikimedia portal Portal:Chemistry
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Ximiya (arabsha کيمياء áyyemgi grekshe: χυμα — "(metal)", "Quyiw", "aǵim", áyyemgi grekshe: χυμευσις — "qaralmaq") — zatlar, olardıń ózgeshelikleri, payda bolıwı hám ximiyalıq reaktsiyalardıń nátijesinde aralasıwı, hám sol zattıń basqa bir nársege aylanıw protsessin úyrenetuǵın ilim.

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