Hendrice, in which source did you find the name "Museum Brittania" attested? It looks horribly wrong to me, but if there is a source, well, we should cite it. --UV 14:54, 12 Octobris 2008 (UTC)[reply]
- Translated from: The British Museum.Hendricus 14:57, 12 Octobris 2008 (UTC)[reply]
- Ok. Let us first find the appropriate words and then let us make sure that the words agree in form.
- The English name that we wish to translate is "The British Museum" (not "Britain Museum", "Museum of Britain" or something else). Unlike the noun "Britain", "British" is an adjective; the Latin equivalent is Britannicus (m.), Britannica (f.), Britannicum (n.) [There is also the adjective Britannus, which is attested with Propertius, but this form is quite uncommon, so let us ignore it.] Note that the word has two n, but only one t.
- Now, we need to make sure that the adjective agrees in case, number and gender with "museum, -i n.", therefore we get "Museum Britannicum". Unless someone finds an attested source, I would therefore propose to move this page to "Museum Britannicum". --UV 15:12, 12 Octobris 2008 (UTC)[reply]
- I agree with you, Hendricus 15:16, 12 Octobris 2008 (UTC)[reply]