Kazahi (kazahu: қазақтар IPA: [qɑzɑqtɑ́r]) ir tjurku tauta un Kazahstānas pamatiedzīvotāji, kā arī mazākumtautība atsevišķos citu Centrālāzijas valstu ziemeļu rajonos.
Kazahi ir cēlušies no tjurku (kipčaki, naimani, nogajieši, karluki, kankali u.c.),[12] mongoļu, indoirāņu un huņņu ciltīm, kas 5.—13. gadsimtā apdzīvoja zemes starp Sibīriju un Melno jūru.[1]
Lieto kazahu valodu, kas pieder pie tjurku valodu grupas kipčaku valodām. Pilsētu iedzīvotāju vidū plaši izplatīta ir arī krievu valoda. Lielākā daļa ir sunnītu musulmaņi.
- ↑ Estimation based on Kazakh population share of 65% (Kzakhstan President's Speech in the Kazakhstan Parliament 2009-09-01) and 16.3 mln total population according to the preliminary results of the 2009 National Census Arhivēts 2009. gada 21. aprīlī, Wayback Machine vietnē.
- ↑ Kazakh population share was constant at 4.1% in 1959-1989 (CIA estimates) and declined to 3% in 1996. Official Uzbekistan estimation (E. Yu. Sadovskaya «Migration in Kazakhstan in the beginning of XXI century: main tendentions and perspectives»ISBN 9965-593-01-9) in 1999 was 940,600 Kazakhs or 3.8% of total population. If Kazakh population share was stable at about 4.1% (not taking into account the massive repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs (oralman) to Kazakhstan) and the Uzbekistan population in the middle of 2008 Arhivēts 2009. gada 13. novembrī, at Archive-It was 27.3 mln, the Kazakh population would be 1.1 mln. Using the CIA estimate of the share of Kazakhs (3%), the total Kazakh population in Uzbekistan would be 0.8 mln
- ↑ Census 2000 counts 1.25 mln Kazakhs[2], later the Kazakh population had higher birth rate, but some assimilation processes were present too. Estimations made after the 2000 Cesus are claiming Kazakh population share growth (was 0,104 % in 2000), but even if this share value was preserved at 0.104% level it would be no less than 1.4 mln in 2008
- ↑ 2002 Census ethnic composition data, in 2003-2008 Kazakhstan national statistics noted the oralman (ethnic Kazakhs) repatriation to Kazakhstan
- ↑ Ethnic composition of the Mongolian population in 2007 Arhivēts 2009. gada 30. martā, Wayback Machine vietnē., Mongolian government 2007. Retrieved on 6 April 2009
- ↑ In 1995 Kazakh poulation was 86,987 [3] or 1.94 % population total. Later was a massive pepartriation of ethnic Kazakh population (oralman) to Kazakhstan: 22,000 before 2001 and 38,000-40,000 in 2001—2007. Press reports are claiming [4],[5],[6] the most part of Kazakhs had left Turkmenistan
- ↑ National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan. 2008 estimation[novecojusi saite]
- ↑ 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 The Kazakh Diasporas Arhivēts 2007. gada 28. septembrī, Wayback Machine vietnē.: Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Information (krieviski). Retrieved on 6 April 2009
- ↑ Results of the 2000 population census in Tajikistan. Retrieved on 6 April 2009
- ↑ Ukrainian population census 2001 Arhivēts 2012. gada 17. janvārī, Wayback Machine vietnē.: Distribution of population by nationality. Retrieved on 23 April 2009
- ↑ Belarus population census 1999: National composition of the population. Retrieved on 23 April 2009
- ↑ Z. V. Togan: The Origins of the Kazaks and the Ozbeks, Central Asian Survey Vol. 11, No. 3. 1992