Mamluk Bahri semasa zaman kegemilangan, warna biru menandakan Ilkhanat.
Dinasti Bahri atau Mamluk Bahriyya (al-Mamalik al-Bahariyya المماليك البحرية ) adalah satu dinastiMamluk yang kebanyakan terdiri daripada orang Kipchak yang berasal dari Turkic yang memerintah Mesir bermula pada tahun 1250 sehingga tahun 1382 apabila dinasti ini digantikan dengan dinasti Burji, iaitu satu kumpula lain dalam Mamluks. Nama mereka bermakna 'dari laut', merujuk kepada lokasi penempatan asal mereka di Pulau Al-Rodah di Nil (Bahr al-Nil) di Kaherah[1] di istana kota Al-Rodah yang telah dibina oleh Sultan Ayubiyyah, as-Salih Ayyub[2][3]
^ There is another theory about the origin of the name which states that they were called 'Bahariyya' because they came by sea or from over sea. (Shayyal, 110/vol.2 )
^ (Al-Maqrizi, p. 441/vol.1 ) - (Abu Al-Fida, pp.66-87/ Year 647H - Death of as-Sailih Ayyub) - (Ibn Taghri/vol.6 - Year 639H )
^ After the Castle of al- Rodah was built, As-Salih moved with his Mamluks to it and lived there. (Al-Maqrizi, p.405/vol. 1 ). Later, the Mamluk Sultans lived at the Citadel of the Mountain which was situated on the Muqatam Mountain in Cairo (Al-Maqrizi, al-Mawaiz, p. 327/vol.3 ) where the Mosque of Muhammed Ali and the remains of the Citadel (known now by the name Saladin's Citadel) stand now.