Qasabah (Arab: قَـصَـبَـة, rumi: qaṣabah "bahagian tengah kota atau benteng", Bahasa Barbar: tighremt ⵜⵉⵖⵔⵎⵜ ,[1] Bahasa Perancis dan Inggeris: kasbah) ialah suatu kelompok bangunan yang dibentengkan sekelilingnya.[1][2][3]
KASBAH A mud-brick castle that serves as a residence for the local Berber tribe is called a kasbah or »tighremt« in Morocco. Some are private mansions, others are even whole fortified villages with many large and small buildings crowded on ...
"as its purpose, for a kasbah should be the domain of a ruler, be he sultan, governor or just a tribal chieftain. Most of the ancient cities of Morocco retain a large portion of their outer walls, but the kasbah (the government citadel containing...
Sultan Abdelmoumen transformed what was not much more than a Casbah and built a mosque and a palace here too.