![]() | Halaman ini punya templat digunakan pada banyak laman dan perubahan besar-besaran mungkin akan ternampak. Sila uji perubahan di templat punya subhalaman kotak pasir atau laman uji kaji, atau pada sublaman pengguna anda. Pertimbang untuk membincang perubahan pada laman perbincangan sebelum melaksanakannya.
Preview message: Transclusion count updated automatically (see documentation). |
![]() | This template adds an automatically generated short description. If the automatic short description is not optimal, replace it by adding {{Short description}} at the top of the article. |
![]() | Error: no TemplateStyles specified |
![]() | Templat ini menggunakan Lua: |
{{Infobox school}} can be used for adding at-a-glance comparative information to articles about schools, other than school districts, universities or colleges (see {{Infobox school district}}, {{Infobox university}} and related infobox templates for higher-education facilities). Examples of use for this template would include primary and secondary schools.
To add an empty infobox with the most common options, you can copy and paste the blank template below, but be sure to remove any unused parameters. You can add more information by copying any relevant parameters available from the full syntax.
{{Infobox school
| name =
| native_name = <!-- {{lang|language code|name in native language}}-->
| image =
| alt =
| caption =
| motto = <!-- or | mottoes = -->
| motto_translation =
| location =
| country =
| coordinates = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LON|display=inline,title}} -->
| other_name = <!-- or | other_names = -->
| former_name = <!-- or | former_names = -->
| type =
| religious_affiliation =
| established = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes}} -->
| founder = <!-- or | founders = -->
| closed = <!-- {{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes}} -->
| school_board =
| district =
| authority = <!-- or | educational_authority = or | local_authority = -->
| oversight = <!-- use | oversight_label = to override the default label -->
| principal = <!-- use | principal_label = to override the default label -->
| head = <!-- use | head_label = to override the default label -->
| staff =
| faculty =
| grades = <!-- use | grades_label = to override the default label -->
| gender = <!-- use | gender_label = to override the default label -->
| age_range = <!-- or | lower_age = and | upper_age = -->
| enrollment = <!-- or | enrolment = or | students = or | pupils = or | roll = -->
| language =
| campus_size =
| campus_type =
| colors = <!-- or | colours = -->
| accreditation = <!-- or | accreditations = -->
| publication =
| newspaper =
| yearbook =
| affiliation = <!-- or | affiliations = -->
| website = <!-- {{URL|school.url}} or {{URL|1=school.url}} if the url contains an equals sign -->
| footnotes =
Per talk page consensus, do not use any of these fields to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy", or "Vice".
| principal1 = <!-- use | principal_label1 = to override the default label -->
| principal2 = <!-- use | principal_label2 = to override the default label -->
| principal3 = <!-- use | principal_label3 = to override the default label -->
| principal4 = <!-- use | principal_label4 = to override the default label -->
| head_name2 =
| head2 =
| r_head = <!-- use | r_head_label = to override the default label -->
Per talk page consensus, do not use any of these fields to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy", or "Vice".
| free_label =
| free_text =
| free_label1 =
| free_text1 =
| free_label2 =
| free_text2 =
| free_label3 =
| free_text3 =
| free_label4 =
| free_text4 =
| free_label5 =
| free_text5 =
{{{name}}} {{{native_name}}} {{{latin_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1]] | |
[[File:{{{seal_image}}}|{{{seal_size}}}|alt={{{seal_alt}}}|upright=1]] | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{caption}}} | |
Alamat | |
Ralat Lua pada baris 511 di Modul:Location_map: Tidak dapat cari takrifan peta lokasi yang ditentukan: "Modul:Peta lokasi/data/&" tidak wujud. | |
{{{address}}} {{{location}}} {{{region}}} {{{city}}}, {{{postcode}}} or {{{postalcode}}} or {{{zipcode}}}, {{{county}}}, {{{state}}}, {{{province}}} {{{country}}} [[{{{country1}}}]] | |
Koordinat | 0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E{{{coordinates_footnotes}}} |
Maklumat | |
Nama lain | {{{other_name}}} or {{{other_names}}} |
Nama lama | {{{former_name}}} or {{{former_names}}} |
Jenis | {{{type}}} |
Amanah | {{{trust}}} |
Moto | {{{motto}}} ({{{motto_translation}}}) |
Afiliasi agama | {{{religious_affiliation}}} |
Mazhab | {{{denomination}}} |
Santo penaung | {{{patron}}} |
Ditubuhkan | {{{established}}} or {{{founded}}} or {{{opened}}} |
Pengasas | {{{founder}}} or {{{founders}}} |
Status | {{{status}}} |
Ditutup | {{{closed}}} |
Penempatan | {{{locale}}} |
Sekolah kembar | {{{sister_school}}} |
Lembaga sekolah | {{{school_board}}} |
Daerah sekolah | {{{district}}} |
ID Daerah NCES | {{{us_nces_district_id}}} |
Autoriti tempatan | {{{local_authority}}} |
Autoriti pendidikan | {{{educational_authority}}} or {{{authority}}} |
{{{category_label}}} | {{{category}}} |
{{{oversight_label}}} | {{{oversight}}} |
Pemberi kuasa | {{{authorizer}}} |
Penguasa | {{{superintendent}}} |
Pemegang amanah kawasan | {{{trustee}}} |
Spesialis | {{{specialist}}} or {{{specialists}}} |
Sesi | {{{session}}} |
Nombor sekolah | {{{school_number}}} |
Kod sekolah | {{{school_code}}} |
URN DfE | {{{urn}}} Tables |
No. institusi Kementerian Pendidikan | {{{MOE}}} |
Ofsted | Reports |
Kod CEEB | {{{ceeb}}} |
ID Sekolah NCES | {{{us_nces_school_id}}} |
Presiden | {{{president}}} |
{{{chair_label}}} | {{{chair}}} |
{{{chairman_label}}} | {{{chairman}}} |
{{{chairperson_label}}} | {{{chairperson}}} |
Dekan | {{{dean}}} |
Pentadbir | {{{administrator}}} |
Rektor | {{{rector}}} |
Pengarah | {{{director}}} |
{{{principal_label}}} | {{{principal}}} |
{{{principal_label1}}} | {{{principal1}}} |
{{{principal_label2}}} | {{{principal2}}} |
{{{principal_label3}}} | {{{principal3}}} |
{{{principal_label4}}} | {{{principal4}}} |
Pengarah kampus | {{{campus_director}}} |
Guru besar | {{{headmistress}}} |
Guru besar | {{{headmaster}}} |
Ketua sekolah | {{{head_of_school}}} |
Ketua guru | {{{head_teacher}}} or {{{headteacher}}} |
Ketua guru eksekutif | {{{executive_headteacher}}} |
Pemangku ketua guru | {{{acting_headteacher}}} |
{{{head_label}}} | {{{head}}} |
{{{head_name2}}} | {{{head2}}} |
{{{r_head_label}}} | {{{r_head}}} |
Pegawai turus | {{{officer_in_charge}}} |
Paderi | {{{chaplain}}} |
Kakitangan | {{{staff}}} |
Fakulti | {{{faculty}}} |
Tenaga pengajar | {{{teaching_staff}}} |
Pekerja | {{{employees}}} |
Orang penting | {{{key_people}}} |
{{{grades_label}}} | {{{grades}}} |
Tahun ditawarkan | {{{years}}} |
Tahun diajar | {{{years_taught}}} |
• Taman asuhan | {{{nursery_years_taught}}} |
• Rendah | {{{primary_years_taught}}} |
• Menengah | {{{secondary_years_taught}}} |
{{{gender_label}}} | {{{gender}}} |
Julat umur | {{{age_range}}} or {{{lower_age}}} to {{{upper_age}}} |
Kemasukan | {{{enrollment}}} or {{{enrolment}}} or {{{students}}} or {{{pupils}}} or {{{roll}}} ({{{enrollment_as_of}}} or {{{enrolment_as_of}}} or {{{students_as_of}}} or {{{pupils_as_of}}}) |
Kapasiti | {{{capacity}}} |
Penuntut tingkatan enam | {{{sixth_form_students}}} |
• Pra-tadika | {{{grade_preK}}} |
• Tadika | {{{gradeK}}} |
• Gred 1 | {{{grade1}}} |
• Gred 2 | {{{grade2}}} |
• Gred 3 | {{{grade3}}} |
• Gred 4 | {{{grade4}}} |
• Gred 5 | {{{grade5}}} |
• Gred 6 | {{{grade6}}} |
• Gred 7 | {{{grade7}}} |
• Gred 8 | {{{grade8}}} |
• Gred 9 | {{{grade9}}} |
• Gred 10 | {{{grade10}}} |
• [Gred kesebelas | {{{grade11}}} |
• Gred 12 | {{{grade12}}} |
• Gred 13 | {{{grade13}}} |
• Lain-lain | {{{other}}} |
• {{{other_grade_label}}} | {{{other_grade_enrollment}}} |
• {{{other_grade_label_1}}} | {{{other_grade_enrollment_1}}} |
• {{{other_grade_label_2}}} | {{{other_grade_enrollment_2}}} |
Penuntut antarabangsa | {{{international_students}}} |
Kelas | {{{classes}}} |
Purata saiz kelas | {{{average_class_size}}} |
Nisbah penuntut ke guru | {{{ratio}}} |
Sistem pendidikan | {{{system}}} |
Kelas ditawarkan | {{{classes_offered}}} |
Bahasa | {{{language}}} |
Jenis jadual | {{{schedule_type}}} |
Jadual | {{{schedule}}} |
Jam dalam hari sekolah | {{{hours_in_day}}} |
Bilik kelas | {{{classrooms}}} |
Kampus | {{{campuses}}} |
Kampus | {{{campus}}} |
Saiz kampus | {{{campus_size}}} |
Kawasan | {{{area}}} |
Jenis kampus | {{{campus_type}}} |
Rumah-rumah | {{{houses}}} |
{{{student_union_label}}} | {{{student_union}}} |
Warna | {{{colors}}} or {{{colours}}} |
Slogan | {{{slogan}}} |
Lagu | {{{song}}} |
Fight song | {{{fight_song}}} |
Olahraga | {{{athletics}}} |
Sidang olahraga | {{{athletics_conference}}} |
Sukan | {{{sports}}} |
Maskot | {{{mascot}}} |
Panggilan | {{{nickname}}} |
{{{teams_label}}} | {{{teams}}} |
Nama pasukan | {{{team_name}}} |
Saingan | {{{rival}}} or {{{rivals}}} |
Pentauliahan | {{{accreditation}}} or {{{accreditations}}} |
Kedudukan USNWR | {{{USNWR_ranking}}} |
Kedudukan kebangsaan | {{{national_ranking}}} |
Purata {{{test_name}}} | {{{test_average}}} |
Bar pass rate | {{{bar_pass_rate}}} |
Socio-economic decile | {{{decile}}} |
Penerbitan | {{{publication}}} |
Akhbar | {{{newspaper}}} |
Buku tahunan | {{{yearbook}}} |
Key products | {{{products}}} |
Endowmen | {{{endowment}}} |
Belanjawan | {{{budget}}} |
Yuran sekolah | {{{fees}}} |
Yuran tusyen | {{{annual_tuition}}} |
Tusyen | {{{tuition}}} |
Hasil | {{{revenue}}} |
Communities served | {{{communities}}} |
Sekolah saluran | {{{feeder_schools}}} |
Saluran kepada | {{{feeder_to}}} |
Lepasan ({{{graduates_year}}}) | {{{graduates}}} |
Afiliasi | {{{affiliation}}} or {{{affiliations}}} |
Alumni | {{{alumni}}} |
Nama alumni | {{{alumni_name}}} |
Penerima Nobel | {{{nobel_laureates}}} |
Maklumat | {{{information}}} |
{{{free_label}}} | {{{free_text}}} |
{{{free_label1}}} | {{{free_text1}}} |
{{{free_label2}}} | {{{free_text2}}} |
{{{free_label3}}} | {{{free_text3}}} |
{{{free_label4}}} | {{{free_text4}}} |
{{{free_label5}}} | {{{free_text5}}} |
Laman sesawang | {{{website}}} |
{{{footnotes}}} | |
[[File:{{{picture}}}|frameless]] {{{picture_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{picture2}}}|frameless]] {{{picture_caption2}}} | |
{{{module}}} | |
Kali terakhir dikemaskinikan: {{{lastupdate}}} |
To add an empty infobox with all options, you can copy and paste the blank template below, but be sure to remove any unused parameters. Alternatively, it may be easier to use the basic syntax and then add more information by copying any relevant parameters from the template below. (Note for new editors: this is a list of all parameters available in this template. Adding your own will not work and will flag up as an unsupported parameter. You can discuss any parameter concerns on the talk page. Don't forget, you can make use of the additional free text fields)
{{Infobox school
| name =
| native_name =
| latin_name =
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| seal_image =
| seal_size =
| seal_alt =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| motto = <!-- or | mottoes = -->
| motto_translation =
| address =
| location =
| region =
| city = <!-- or | town = -->
| county =
| state =
| province =
| postcode = <!-- or | postalcode = -->
| zipcode =
| country =
| country1 =
| coordinates = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LON|display=inline,title}} -->
| coordinates_footnotes =
| other_name = <!-- or | other_names = -->
| former_name = <!-- or | former_names = -->
| schooltype =
| fundingtype =
| type =
| religious_affiliation =
| denomination =
| patron =
| established = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes}} -->
| founder = <!-- or | founders = -->
| status =
| closed = <!-- {{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes}} -->
| locale =
| sister_school =
| school_board =
| district =
| us_nces_district_id =
| local_authority =
| educational_authority = <!-- or | authority = -->
| category = <!-- use | category_label = to override the default label -->
| oversight = <!-- use | oversight_label = to override the default label -->
| trust =
| authorizer =
| superintendent =
| trustee =
| specialist = <!-- or | specialists = -->
| session =
| school_number =
| school_code =
| urn =
| MOE =
| ofsted =
| ceeb =
| us_nces_school_id =
| president =
| chair = <!-- use | chair_label = to override the default label -->
| chairman = <!-- use | chairman_label = to override the default label -->
| chairperson = <!-- use | chairperson_label = to override the default label -->
| dean =
| administrator =
| rector =
| director =
| principal = <!-- use | principal_label = to override the default label -->
| campus_director =
| headmistress =
| headmaster =
| head_of_school =
| head_teacher = <!-- or | headteacher = -->
| executive_headteacher =
| acting_headteacher =
| head = <!-- use | head_label = to override the default label -->
| r_head = <!-- use | r_head_label = to override the default label -->
| officer_in_charge =
| chaplain =
| staff =
| faculty =
| teaching_staff =
| employees =
| key_people =
| grades = <!-- use | grades_label = to override the default label -->
| years =
| years_taught = <!-- use | nursery_years_taught =, | primary_years_taught =, | secondary_years_taught = for additional information -->
| gender = <!-- use | gender_label = to override the default label -->
| age_range = <!-- or | lower_age = and | upper_age = -->
| lower_age = <!-- or | age_range = -->
| upper_age = <!-- or | age_range = -->
| enrollment = <!-- or | enrolment = or | students = or | pupils = or | roll = -->
| enrollment_as_of = <!-- or | enrolment_as_of = or | students_as_of = or | pupils_as_of = -->
| capacity =
| sixth_form_students =
| grade_preK =
| gradeK =
| grade1 =
| grade2 =
| grade3 =
| grade4 =
| grade5 =
| grade6 =
| grade7 =
| grade8 =
| grade9 =
| grade10 =
| grade11 =
| grade12 =
| grade13 =
| other = <!-- use | other_grade_label = to override the default label -->
| other_grade_label_1 =
| other_grade_enrollment_1 =
| other_grade_label_2 =
| other_grade_enrollment_2 =
| international_students =
| classes =
| average_class_size =
| ratio =
| system =
| classes_offered =
| language =
| schedule_type =
| schedule =
| hours_in_day =
| classrooms =
| campuses =
| campus =
| campus_size =
| area =
| campus_type =
| houses =
| student_union = <!-- use | student_union_label = to override the default label -->
| colors = <!-- or | colours = -->
| slogan =
| song =
| fight_song =
| athletics =
| athletics_conference =
| sports =
| mascot =
| nickname =
| teams = <!-- use | teams_label = to override the default label -->
| team_name =
| rival = <!-- or | rivals = -->
| accreditation = <!-- or | accreditations = -->
| USNWR_ranking =
| national_ranking =
| test_name =
| test_average =
| bar_pass_rate =
| decile =
| publication =
| newspaper =
| yearbook =
| products =
| endowment =
| budget =
| fees =
| tuition =
| annual_tuition =
| revenue =
| communities =
| feeder_schools =
| feeder_to =
| graduates =
| graduates_year =
| affiliation = <!-- or | affiliations = -->
| alumni =
| alumni_name =
| nobel_laureates =
| information = <!-- do not enter phone numbers or email addresses -->
| website = <!-- {{URL|school.url}} or {{URL|1=school.url}} if the url contains an equals sign -->
| footnotes =
| picture =
| picture_caption =
| picture2 =
| picture_caption2 =
Any infobox which supports embedding can be embedded within infobox school, using the module
parameter. For example, to embed {{Infobox NRHP}}, use the following syntax
{{Infobox school
| name = Wikipedia High School
| image = ...
| module =
{{Infobox NRHP
| embed = yes
| name = Wikipedia High School
| nrhp_type = nhl
| image =
| caption = ...
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of the school. If left blank, the pagename will display. |
native_name | Name of the school in its native language, if different from its English name. |
latin_name | Latin name of the school, if applicable. |
logo | Logo file name with no wikimarkup, e.g. Logo.png, size in pixels, e.g. 150px, alt text for visually impaired readers who cannot see it; see WP:ALT. |
logo_size | |
logo_alt | |
seal_image | Seal file name with no wikimarkup, e.g. Seal.png, size in pixels, e.g. 150px, alt text for visually impaired readers who cannot see it; see WP:ALT. |
seal_size | |
seal_alt | |
image | Image file name with no wikimarkup, e.g. MySchool.png, size in pixels, e.g. 150px, alt text for visually impaired readers who cannot see it; see WP:ALT, and caption text which is displayed below the image; see WP:CAPTION. |
image_size | |
alt | |
caption | |
address | Street address on which the school is located. Causes the section heading to appear as "Address" instead of "Location". |
location | Location, could include address; separate lines with <br />. |
region | Region in which the school is located. |
city town |
City, town or village in which the school is located. |
county | County or Local Government Area in which the school is located. |
state | State in which the school is located. |
province | Province in which the school is located. |
postcode postalcode |
The school's postcode. postalcode provides identical results. |
zipcode | The school's zip code. |
country | Country in which the school is located (plain text; do not use flag icons, do not wikilink; see WP:SCH/AG and WP:OVERLINK). |
coordinates | Geographic coordinates. Use {{Coord}} with display=inline,title; for example: {{Coord|dd|mm|ss|N/S|dd|mm|ss|E/W|display=inline,title}} . type:edu is automatically added, unless a different type: is specified.
coordinates_footnotes | Footnotes for coordinates. |
other_name other_names |
Alternate current name by which the school is known, such as acronyms and abbreviations. If there is more than one, use other_names instead. |
former_name former_names |
Name by which the school used to be known. If there is more than one, use former_names instead. |
schooltype | Type of school. If entered with funding type or type, will display as funding type, schooltype or type schooltype. |
fundingtype | Funding type of the school. If an article on "fundingtype school" exists, will automatically be linked to it. |
type | Type of school; overridden by fundingtype. |
motto mottoes |
The school's motto. If shown in foreign language then use appropriate language template (such as {{Langx|la}} template for Latin text). If there is more than one, use mottoes instead.
motto_translation | English translation of the school's motto, if applicable. |
religious_affiliation | The school's religious affiliation. |
denomination | If a faith school, the denomination. |
patron | Patron saint of the school. |
established founded opened |
Date of establishment/founding. Add c. before any approximate dates. Use {{Start date}} where possible. |
founder founders |
Founder of the school. If there is more than one, use founders instead. |
status | Status of the school, if open or not. For US schools, attributes can also be included from the Common Core of Data (CCD) School and District Glossary page on the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website. |
closed | Date the school closed. Use {{End date}} where possible. |
locale | Locale of the school. |
sister_school | The sister school, if any. The main article should clarify the sister's relationship (same management, mutual agreement, other bonds, etc.), give the history of the arrangement and, of course, references. |
school_board | Board the school comes under. |
district | The school district of the school. |
![]() |
For US schools only, the District ID which can be found by searching for the school district at the Common Core of Data (CCD) page on the NCES website. Also note that {{NCES District ID}} may be useful here. |
![]() |
For UK schools only, the local authority. This can be found by searching for the school at the "Get information about schools" page on the GOV.UK website for schools in England and Wales ("My Local School" page on the GOV.WALES website can also be used for schools in Wales), and "Find a school" page on the GOV.SCOT website for schools in Scotland. |
authority | Authority the school comes under. |
educational_authority | |
category | Category of school. Use category_label to override the default label "Category". |
category_label | |
oversight | Oversight the school comes under. Use oversight_label to override the default label "Oversight". |
oversight_label | |
trust | If the school is a sponsor led academy or a foundation school it may be part of a trust or foundation. |
authorizer | School authorizer. |
superintendent | Superintendent of the school. |
trustee | Area trustee of the school. |
specialist specialists |
Specialist of the school. If there is more than one, use specialists instead. |
session | Session of the school. |
school_number | Official number (not for phone number). |
school_code | School code, if applicable. |
![]() ![]() |
The 6-digit Department for Education Unique Reference Number (URN) of a school in England and Wales, which can be found by searching for the school at the "Get information about schools" page on the GOV.UK website (Ofsted and "My Local School" page on the GOV.WALES website can also be used). The field generates a link to the school's information and comparison pages on the GOV.UK website. |
![]() |
For New Zealand schools only, the Ministry of Education Institution number. |
![]() |
Any non-blank text in this field signifies that the school's teaching is inspected by Ofsted, and causes a link to the Ofsted reports page for the school to be generated from the value of the urn field. |
![]() |
For US high schools and post secondary schools only, the CEEB code which can be found at sat |
![]() |
For US schools only, the School ID which can be found by searching for the school at the following respective pages on the NCES website:
president | "President" - first of various fields to describe the head and/or important officials of the school. Use only the parameters applicable to the school. |
chair | Oversight the school comes under. Use chair_label to override the default label "Chair". |
chair_label | |
chairman | Oversight the school comes under. Use chairman_label to override the default label "Chairman". |
chairman_label | |
chairperson | Oversight the school comes under. Use chairperson_label to override the default label "Chairperson". |
chairperson_label | |
dean | More fields to describe officials of the school. Use only the parameters applicable to the school. |
administrator | |
rector | |
director | |
principal | Principal(s) of the school. Use _label parameters to override the default label "Principal". (Per talk page consensus, do not use any of these fields to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy, or "Vice") |
principal_label | |
principal1 | |
principal_label1 | |
principal2 | |
principal_label2 | |
principal3 | |
principal_label3 | |
principal4 | |
principal_label4 | |
campus_director | More fields to describe officials of the school. Use only the parameters applicable to the school. |
headmistress | |
headmaster | |
head_of_school | |
head_teacher headteacher | |
executive_headteacher | |
acting_headteacher | |
head | The name of the school head. For use when the available parameters below aren't applicable to the school. Use head_label to override the default label "Head teacher". (Per talk page consensus, do not use this field to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy, or "Vice") |
head_label | |
head2 | The name of the school head. For use when the available parameters below aren't applicable to the school. Won't display unless head_name2 is also specified. (Per talk page consensus, do not use this field to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy, or "Vice") |
head_name2 | |
r_head | The name of the religious head. Use r_head_label to override the default label "Religious head". |
r_head_label | |
officer_in_charge | More fields to describe officials of the school. Use only the parameters applicable to the school. |
chaplain | |
staff | Number of staff. |
faculty | Number of faculty. |
teaching_staff | Number of teaching staff, other alternative terms are employees and key_people. |
employees | Number of employees. |
key_people | Key people. (Per talk page consensus, do not use this field to add "Athletic Director" or titles starting with "Assistant", "Deputy, or "Vice") |
grades | Grade levels. Use grades_label to override the default label "Grades". Can also use years and years_taught. |
grades_label | |
years | Years offered. |
years_taught | Years taught. |
nursery_years_taught | Nursery years taught. |
primary_years_taught | Primary years taught. |
secondary_years_taught | Secondary years taught. |
gender | Gender of the students at the school. Use gender_label to override the default label "Gender". |
gender_label | |
age_range | Age range of students. As an alternative, use lower_age with or without upper_age. |
lower_age | The lowest age at which a pupil can enter the school. Displayed with or without upper_age. |
upper_age | The age at which students normally leave. Leave this undefined if there is no upper age limit, and the age field will be displayed as "{{{lower_age}}}+". |
enrollment enrolment students pupils roll |
Number of the school's students. Use the appropriate term. |
enrollment_as_of enrolment_as_of students_as_of pupils_as_of |
The date, year or academic year the enrollment/enrolment figure refers to. |
capacity | The schools capacity, in terms of the number of pupils. |
sixth_form_students | Number of sixth-form students. |
grade_preK | Pre-kindergarten enrollment. |
gradeK | Kindergarten enrollment. |
grade1 ... grade13 |
Enrollment for each grade. |
other | Other grade enrollment. Use this alone to get an entry simply labeled "Other" for enrollment figures of other grades. |
other_grade_label other_grade_label_1 other_grade_label_2 |
Other grade label. Use with other_grade_enrollment to get a custom labeled entry for enrollment figures of other grades. |
other_grade_enrollment other_grade_enrollment_1 other_grade_enrollment_2 | |
international_students | International students. |
classes | Number of classes in the school. |
average_class_size | The average number of students in a classroom at the school. |
ratio | The student:teacher ratio at the school. |
system | The education system the school follows. |
classes_offered | Classes offered at the school. |
language | Language the school teaches in. |
schedule_type | Schedule type. |
schedule | Schedule. |
hours_in_day | Hours in school day. |
classrooms | Number of classrooms in the school. |
campus | The name or names of the school campus, may also use campuses. |
campuses | |
campus_size | The size of the school campus (see WP:OVERLINK for guidance of overlinking measurements). |
area | Area of school building(s). |
campus_type | Urban, suburban, etc. |
houses | The names of any school houses the school might have. If the school has too many houses to fit into the infobox, give the number of houses with a link to the relevant section within the article (e.g. Uppingham School). |
student_union | Name of student union. Use student_union_label to override the default label "Student Union/Association". |
student_union_label | |
colors colours |
The school colors/colours (use appropriate spelling; if using one parameter, delete other parameter, if present). There is no need to wikilink the colors. Use of {{Color box}} will provide adequate illustration to the reader (e.g. Amador Valley High School). |
slogan | The school's slogan. |
song | Name of the school's song. |
fight_song | Name of the school's fight song. |
athletics | What type of athletics are held at the school; or Yes or No. |
athletics_conference | Name of athletics conference. |
sports | Main sport(s) at the school; or Yes or No. |
mascot | Name of the school's mascot. |
nickname | The school's athletic nickname. |
teams | Teams. Use teams_label to override the default label "Teams". |
teams_label | |
team_name | "Team name" - names of any athletic teams. |
rival rivals |
Rival of the school. If there is more than one, use rivals instead. |
accreditation accreditations |
Accreditation of the school. If there is more than one, use accreditations instead. |
![]() |
For US schools only, the U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) ranking in league tables. |
national_ranking | The school's national ranking. |
test_average | The school's average test score. Use test_name to override the default label "Test average". |
test_name | |
bar_pass_rate | If a law school, the most recent bar pass rate in percent. |
![]() |
For New Zealand schools only, the socioeconomic decile of the school. |
publication | Name of the school publication. |
newspaper | Name of the school newspaper (template automatically italicizes it). |
yearbook | Name of the school yearbook (template automatically italicizes it). |
products | Any products the school produces. |
endowment | Endowment. |
budget | School budget. |
fees | School fees, may also use tuition and annual_tuition. |
tuition | |
annual_tuition | |
revenue | School revenue. |
communities | Communities the school serves. |
feeder_schools | Name(s) of schools which feed this school. |
feeder_to | Name(s) of schools which are fed by this school. |
graduates | Number of graduates, use with graduates_year to display the year. |
graduates_year | |
affiliation affiliations |
Affiliation of the school. If there is more than one, use affiliations instead. |
alumni | Notable alumni of the school (wikilink all names). |
alumni_name | Name of the school's alumni. |
nobel_laureates | Number of or list of notable Nobel laureates from the school (wikilink all names). |
information | Information (do not enter phone numbers or email addresses). |
free_label | Additional free text fields. _label parameters must be defined (and non-blank) in order for the corresponding text to be shown. |
free_text | |
free_label1 | |
free_text1 | |
free_label2 | |
free_text2 | |
free_label3 | |
free_text3 | |
free_label4 | |
free_text4 | |
free_label5 | |
free_text5 | |
website | URL of the school's website. Use {{URL}}: {{URL|school.url}}. Note that if the URL contains an equals sign, then it must be written as {{URL|1=school.url}}. |
footnotes | Any footnotes. |
picture | Picture(s) of the school, displays at bottom. Use file name with no wikimarkup, e.g. MySchool.png, and caption text which is displayed below the picture; see WP:CAPTION. |
picture_caption | |
picture2 | |
picture_caption2 | |
module | See #Embedding. |
lastupdate | Date of last update (use {{subst:Date}} or {{subst:Date|2=mdy}} for the current date). |
The mapframe map uses the values in the |coordinates=
parameter if specified, or else from Wikidata if available.
is set, "Location in geomask's label"){{maplink}}
template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified|coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}
. Default: coordinates from Wikidatayes
to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord=
is set. Default: yesnone
. Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting to inverse
. Default: not specifiednone
. Force point marker to be displayed by setting to on
. Default: not specifiednone
. Default: not specifiedP17
for negara (P17), P131
for terletak di entiti wilayah pentadbiran (P131)). Default: not specifiedauto
or geomasks
or zooms
to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. Default: not specified
– switch geomasks found in lokasi (P276) and terletak di entiti wilayah pentadbiran (P131) statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country.geomasks
– switch between the geomasks specified as a comma-separated list of Wikidata items (Q-numbers) in the mapframe-geomask parameterzooms
– switch between "zoomed in"/"zoomed midway"/"zoomed out", where "zoomed in" is the default zoom (with a minimum of 3
), "zoomed out" is 1
, and "zoomed midway" is the averageblank
to override any default marker symbol
The mapframe map can be overridden using the |mapframe-custom=
parameter with the {{Maplink}} template for schools with multiple campuses. Simply add the following parameters below the |coordinates=
| mapframe-custom = {{Maplink |frame=yes |plain=yes |frame-align=center |frame-width=270 |zoom=13
|type=point |coord={{Coord|LAT|LON}} |marker=school |title= |description=
|type2=point |coord2={{Coord|LAT|LON}} |marker2=school |title2= |description2=}}
The above can be used for schools with two campuses (the zoom may have to be adjusted depending on how far apart the campuses are, as to ensure the markers can be seen). More campuses can be shown by adding the same parameter set with a sequential number to the end of the parameter name. For example, the third would start with |type3=point
, and so on.
The Judd School | |
![]() | |
Alamat | |
Brook Street Tonbridge, TN9 2PN, Kent England | |
Koordinat | 51°11′17″N 0°15′52″E / 51.188115°N 0.264445°E |
Maklumat | |
Nama lain | Judd |
Jenis | Voluntary aided grammar school |
Moto | Latin: Deus Dat Incrementum (God Gives Growth / God Gives Gifts) |
Ditubuhkan | 1888 |
Pengasas | The Skinners' Company |
Autoriti tempatan | Kent County Council |
URN DfE | 118843 Tables |
Ofsted | Reports |
Pengerusi | Charles Doyle[1] |
Ketua guru | Jonathan Wood[2] |
Jantina |
Julat umur | 11–18 |
Kemasukan | 1,152 (2019)[3] |
Kapasiti | 1,095[3] |
Rumah-rumah |
Warna | Navy and maroon |
Alumni | Old Juddians |
Laman sesawang | judd |
Example of footnotes |
{{Infobox school
| name = The Judd School
| logo = Andrew Judde Monument coat of arms.png
| logo_alt = The Judd School coat of arms
| motto = {{Langx|la|Deus Dat Incrementum}}
| motto_translation = God Gives Growth / God Gives Gifts
| address = Brook Street
| town = [[Tonbridge]]
| county = [[Kent]]
| postcode = TN9 2PN
| country = England
| coordinates = {{Coord|51.188115|0.264445|region:GB-KEN_dim:100|format=dms|display=inline,title}}
| other_name = Judd
| type = [[Voluntary aided school|Voluntary aided]] [[grammar school]]
| established = {{Start date and age|1888}}
| founder = [[Worshipful Company of Skinners|The Skinners' Company]]
| local_authority = [[Kent County Council]]
| urn = 118843
| ofsted = Yes
| chairman = Charles Doyle<ref>{{cite web |title=Governors |url=https://www.judd.online/page/?title=Governors&pid=47 |website=The Judd School |accessdate=9 July 2020}}</ref>
| headteacher = Jonathan Wood<ref>{{cite web |title=About Us |url=http://www.judd.online/about-us |website=The Judd School |accessdate=8 November 2018}}</ref>
| gender = {{Unbulleted list|Boys (11 to 16)|Mixed (16 to 18)}}
| age_range = 11–18
| enrolment = 1,152 (2019)<ref name="GOV.UK">{{cite web |title=The Judd School |url=https://get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/Establishments/Establishment/Details/118843 |website=Get information about schools |publisher=UK Government |accessdate=12 June 2019}}</ref>
| capacity = 1,095<ref name="GOV.UK" />
| houses = {{Hlist|Morgan|Starling|Rendall|Byrant|Taylor|Evans}}
| colours = {{Color box|Navy}}{{Color box|Maroon}} Navy and maroon
| alumni = Old Juddians
| website = {{URL|judd.online}}
| footnotes = Example of footnotes
Amador Valley High School | |
![]() | |
Alamat | |
1155 Santa Rita Road Pleasanton, California 94566 Amerika Syarikat | |
Koordinat | 37°40′05″N 121°52′28″W / 37.6681740°N 121.8743425°W |
Maklumat | |
Nama-nama lain |
Nama lama | Amador Valley Joint Union High School |
Jenis | Public high school |
Moto | School of Champions |
Ditubuhkan | 14 Mac 1922 |
Daerah sekolah | Pleasanton Unified School District |
ID Sekolah NCES | 060002009282[1] |
Pengetua | Michael Williams |
Tenaga pengajar | 105.75 (on an FTE basis)[1] |
Gred | 9–12 |
Kemasukan | 2,628 (2015–2016)[1] |
Nisbah penuntut ke guru | 24.85[1] |
Saiz kampus | 39.27 ekar (15.89 he) |
Jenis kampus | Suburban |
Warna | Purple and gold |
Maskot | The Don |
Saingan | Foothill High School[2] |
Akhbar | The Amadon |
Buku tahunan | The Book of Names and Faces |
Laman sesawang | amador |
Example of footnotes |
{{Infobox school
| name = Amador Valley High School
| image = Amador Valley and Pleasanton Ridge.jpg
| alt = Amador Valley and Pleasanton Ridge
| motto = School of Champions
| address = 1155 Santa Rita Road
| city = [[Pleasanton, California|Pleasanton]]
| state = California
| zipcode = 94566
| country = United States
| coordinates = {{Coord|37.6681740|-121.8743425|format=dms|region:US-CA|display=inline,title}}
| other_names = {{Hlist|Amador Valley|Amador|AVHS}}
| former_name = Amador Valley Joint Union High School
| type = [[State school|Public]] [[Secondary school|high school]]
| established = {{Start date|1922|03|14}}
| district = [[Pleasanton Unified School District]]
| us_nces_school_id = {{NCES School ID|060002009282|school_name=Amador Valley High School|access_date=8 November 2018|ref_name=NCES}}
| principal = Michael Williams
| teaching_staff = 105.75 {{FTE}}<ref name="NCES" />
| grades = 9–12
| enrollment = 2,628 (2015–2016)<ref name="NCES" />
| ratio = 24.85<ref name="NCES" />
| campus_size = {{Convert|39.27|acre|ha}}
| campus_type = Suburban
| colors = {{Color box|Purple}}{{Color box|Gold}} Purple and gold
| mascot = The [[Don (honorific)|Don]]
| rival = [[Foothill High School (Pleasanton, California)|Foothill High School]]<ref>{{cite news |last1=Bonagura |first1=Kyle |title=Foothill-Amador Valley rivalry runs deeper than just football |url=https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2009/11/12/foothill-amador-valley-rivalry-runs-deeper-than-just-football/ |accessdate=September 21, 2020 |work=[[East Bay Times]] |date=August 15, 2016 |orig-year=2009}}</ref>
| newspaper = The Amadon
| yearbook = The Book of Names and Faces
| website = {{URL|amador.pleasantonusd.net}}
| footnotes = Example of footnotes
North Sydney Boys High School | |
![]() North Sydney Boys High School front entrance | |
Lokasi | |
Crows Nest, New South Wales Australia | |
Koordinat | 33°49′46″S 151°12′27″E / 33.82944°S 151.20750°E |
Maklumat | |
Jenis | Public secondary school |
Moto | Latin: Vincit qui se vincit (He conquers who conquers himself) |
Ditubuhkan | 1912[1] |
Pengetua | Robyn Hughes |
Tenaga pengajar | ~54 |
Gred | 7–12 |
Kemasukan | ~915 (2019)[2] |
Jenis kampus | Suburban |
Warna | Bismark, coral and gold |
Alumni | Old Falconians |
Laman sesawang | northsydbo-h |
{{Infobox school
| name = North Sydney Boys High School
| image = NSBHS front.jpg
| alt = North Sydney Boys High School front entrance
| caption = North Sydney Boys High School front entrance
| motto = {{Langx|la|Vincit qui se vincit}}
| motto_translation = He conquers who conquers himself
| city = [[Crows Nest, New South Wales|Crows Nest]]
| state = New South Wales
| country = Australia
| coordinates = {{Coord|33|49|46|S|151|12|27|E|region:AU-NSW|display=inline,title}}
| type = [[State school|Public]] [[secondary school]]
| established = {{Start date|1912}}<ref name="NSBHS">{{cite web |title=School History |url=https://northsydbo-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/history.html |publisher=North Sydney Boys High School |accessdate=21 September 2020}}</ref>
| principal = Robyn Hughes
| teaching_staff = ~54
| grades = 7–12
| enrolment = ~915 (2019)<ref name=SchoolLocator>{{cite web |url=https://www.myschool.edu.au/school/41320 |title=North Sydney Boys High School |accessdate=21 September 2020 |work=My School |publisher=Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority}}</ref>
| campus_type = Suburban
| alumni = Old Falconians
| colours = {{Color box|#800000}}{{Color box|#FF7F50}}{{Color box|#FFD700}} Bismark, coral and gold
| website = {{URL|northsydbo-h.schools.nsw.gov.au}}
TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
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TemplateData untuk Kotak info sekolah Infobox for details of school organisations
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