Urduja General Hospital

Say Urduja General Hospital o UGH et sakey a ospital ya naanap ed calle na Gov.Antonio U. Sison, barangay Poblacion ed Lingayen, Pangasinan. Say acangawa ya et say Urduja Medical Center, Incorporated (UMCI). Taluran storey so building to ya natan. Say medical director et si Dr. Emelita R. Cachola ya saquey ya pediatrician met anggad 2010 nen inatey ira. Si Dr. Fernando P. Soriano so administrative officer tan in-house internist anggad 2010 nen sicatoy ginmawan Officer-In-Charge (OIC) na ospital. Walay intensive care unit (ICU) na UGH. Diad loob na ICU, werman so cardiac monitor, mechanical ventilator tan cardiac defibrillator. Walay cancer unit tan cancer clinic to ya. Si Dr. Joseph M. Tovera so medical oncologist tan OIC na ICU. Regular so chemotherapy ya gagawen ed ospital. Si Dra. Zhenah Zeny P. Soriano-Tovera so radiologist tan sonologist. Wala met so operating room, delivery room, labor room, emergency room, laboratory, xray, ultrasound, incubator, fetal monitor tan pharmacy to. Si Dr. Ma. Perla T. Ramos so OIC ed delivery room tan operating room. Walay generator na UGH. Si Dr. Ricardo P. Ramos so Chairman na Board of Directors.

Ginmapo so sayan ospital ya melag labat ya clinic nen 1950's. Inpalagey da may unaan ya ospital ya say ngaran to et Ramos Family Clinic nen 1973 nen Dr. Rafael R. Ramos Jr., saquey ya dentista tan si Dr. Ma. Rosalina R. Paragas-Ramos, saquey ya general practitioner ed medicina pian macapangiter na out-patient tan in-patient services. Libre ray cuarto ed saman. Macapangawit na eles, danganan tan macapanluto ray pasyente. Say babayaran na pasyente labat et say servicio na doctor tan saray tambal ya nausar. Nen dinmaquel lay pasyente, ginawa da lan ward imay taguey na clinic ya datin panayaman da ray acangawa. Dinmaquel nin sansyay pasyente canyan angipalaguey la iray duaran gradon building ya tinawag dan Ramos Family Clinic and General Hospital nen 1979. In-rehistro dan corporacion so ospital nen 1981. Iray miyembro na familia so inmirong ed board of directors' seats. Nen 2002, tinawag dan Urduja General Hospital ya cayarin nan take-over so UMCI.

Trenta y otso so tumatambal o doctor so affiliated natan ed UGH. Inaasahan ya ondaquel ni so doctor ya mi-affiliate ed panacar na panahon.

Walay Diabetes Day ed ospital cada bulan ya parad iray diabetico ran pasyente. Ed sayan agew, naibabangat iray diabetico ed huston panasicaso ed sarili da. Walay bumabangat met la na diabetes o diabetes educator ya inpa-training na ospital.

Walay aca-abang ya lote na ospital no singa onculang so espacio ed amay building to natan.

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