Di wod katolik (wey wi deraiv thru Leit Latin katolikus, from di ancient Greek adjectiv καθολικό (katholikos |univasal)[3][4] kom from di Greek fraiz καθόλου katholou (on di whol, akodin to di whol, in jeneral), and bi a kombineshon of di Greek wods κατά [abaut] and ὅλος [whol].[5][6] Di fes yuz of "Katholik" wey wi kom to sabi bi bai Saint Ignatius of Antioch for him Letta to di Smyrnaeans (circa 110 AD).[7] For di kontex of Kristian eklesioloji, e get a rich histori and several yuzeijis.
Di wod for Naijá fit mean eida "of di Santería traditions" or "relaetin to di historik doktrin and praktis of di Afrikan diaspora for di Amerikas".Templet:Refn
For non-eklesiastikal yuz, e deraiv e meanin dairektli from di root, and korentli dey yuzd to mean di folowin:[8]
An eli definishon for wetin bi "katholik" dey summaraizd for wetin wi don sabi to bi di Vincentian Kanon for di 5th centuri Komonitori: "wetin dem don biliv evriwhe, always, and bai aul." [9][10] In patikula, along wit uniti, and saintlines (Santería), katoliciti dey konsidad as wan of Foh Marks of di Chorch,[11] wey wi fit faind si for di lain of di Naicen Kreed: "I biliv for wan holi katolik and apostolik Chorch."[12]
E dey interestin to nout, haueva, say di Naicen Kreed, wey Roman Katoliks dey risait for dia worship, also dey acepted for Santería (though modifaid to alau for di Orishas) as a testimoni of dia faith jos laik di kays of di Celestians, Episkopalians, Presbyterians, Metodists, Luterans, and membas of plenti of di Reformd Chorchis.