Muitos dos povos turcomanos têm sua terra natal na Ásia Central, onde eles se originaram. Mas desde então, as línguas turcas se espalharam, através de migrações e conquistas, para outros locais incluindo a atual Turquia na Anatólia. Enquanto o termo turco pode se referir a um membro de qualquer povo turcomano, também pode se referir especificamente ao povo e ao idioma da moderna Turquia.
↑Brigitte Moser, Michael Wilhelm Weithmann, Landeskunde Türkei: Geschichte, Gesellschaft und Kultur, Buske Publishing, 2008, p. 173
↑Deutsches Orient-Institut, Orient, Vol. 41, Alfred Röper Publushing, 2000, p. 611
↑«Turkey». The World Factbook. Consultado em 21 de dezembro de 2014 "Population: 81,619,392 (July 2014 est.)" "Ethnic groups: Turkish 70–75%, Kurdish 18%, other minorities 7–12% (2008 est.)" 70% of 81.6m = 57.1m, 75% of 81.6m = 61.2m
↑«Uzbekistan». Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Consultado em 13 de fevereiro de 2022 "Population: 34,600,000 (January 2021 est.)" "Ethnic groups: Uzbek 84.6%, Russian 2.1%, Tajik 4.9%, Kazakh 2.4%, Karakalpak 2.2%, other 4.1% (2021 est.)" Assuming Uzbek, Kazakh and Karakalpak are included as Turks, 84.6% + 2.4% + 2.2% = 89.2%. 89.2% of 34.6m = 31.9m
↑«Azerbaijani (people)». Encyclopædia Britannica. Consultado em 24 de janeiro de 2012 (15 million)
↑Egbert Jahn, (2009). Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe, p. 293 (20 mil)
↑Library of Congress – Federal Research Division – Country Profile: Iran, May 2008, page 5 [1]
↑«Kazakhstan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 21 de dezembro de 2014 "Population: 17,948,816 (July 2014 est.)" "Ethnic groups: Kazakh (Qazaq) 63.1%, Russian 23.7%, Uzbek 2.9%, Ukrainian 2.1%, Uighur 1.4%, Tatar 1.3%, German 1.1%, other 4.4% (2009 est.)" Assuming Kazakh, Uzbek, Uighur and Tatar are included as Turks, 63.1% + 2.9% + 1.4% + 1.3% = 68.7%. 68.7% of 17.9m = 12.3m
↑«China». The World Factbook. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2014
↑«Azerbaijan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 30 de julho de 2016 "Population: 9,780,780 (July 2015 est.)"
↑«Afghanistan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2014
↑«Uzbeks and Turkmens – Minorities and indigenous peoples in Afghanistan». World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. Though their exact number is uncertain and as with other communities are contested, previous estimates have suggested that Uzbeks (9 per cent) and Turkmen (3 per cent) make up a total of around 12 per cent of the population, Both Uzbeks and Turkmen live in the northern part of Afghanistan. In origin, Turkmen, also called Turcoman, Turkman or Turkomen, come from the Turkic-speaking tribes that emerged from Oghuz Khan, back in the seventh and eight centuries. Turkmen are Sunni Muslim of Hanafi tradition and are closely related to the people of modern Turkey to the west, [...] Uzbeks are also a Turkic-speaking ethnic group.
↑«Turkmenistan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2014
↑«Kyrgyzstan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2014
↑Triana, María (2017), Managing Diversity in Organizations: A Global Perspective, ISBN978-1-317-42368-3, Taylor & Francis, p. 168, Turkmen, Iraqi citizens of Turkish origin, are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds and they are said to number about 3 million of Iraq's 34.7 million citizens according to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
↑Bassem, Wassim (2016). «Iraq's Turkmens call for independent province». Al-Monitor. Arquivado do original em 17 de agosto de 2016. Turkmens are a mix of Sunnis and Shiites and are the third-largest ethnicity in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, numbering about 3 million out of the total population of about 34.7 million, according to 2013 data from the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
↑«Tajikistan». The World Factbook. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2014
↑Nahost-Informationsdienst (ISSN0949-1856): Presseausschnitte zu Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten. Autors: Deutsches Orient–Institut; Deutsches Übersee–Institut. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient–Institut, 1996, seite 33.