Opere importante | Lastra tombale di Giovanni Pecci[*][[Lastra tombale di Giovanni Pecci (sculpture by Donatello)|]], Putti reggicandela del Museo Jacquemart-André[*][[Putti reggicandela del Museo Jacquemart-André (sculptures by Donatello)|]], David (sculptură de Donatello), Donatello's Crucifix of Santa Croce[*][[Donatello's Crucifix of Santa Croce (sculpture by Donatello)|]], Zuccone[*][[Zuccone (statue by Donatello)|]], Testa barbuta[*][[Testa barbuta (bust in the Bargello National Museum, Florence, Italy, by Donatello)|]], Bassorilievo della Crocefissione[*][[Bassorilievo della Crocefissione (relief sculpture in the Bargello National Museum, Florence, Italy, by Donatello)|]], San Massimo e San Prosdocimo[*][[San Massimo e San Prosdocimo (relief sculpture in the Salvatore Romano Foundation, Florence, Italy, by Donatello)|]], Forzori Altar[*][[Forzori Altar (altar in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom, by Donatello)|]], Stemma della famiglia Martelli[*][[Stemma della famiglia Martelli (sculpture in the Bargello National Museum, Florence, Italy, by Donatello)|]], replica del Marzocco di Donatello[*][[replica del Marzocco di Donatello (replica statue in the piazza della Signoria, Florence, Italy, after Donatello)|]], Replica di Protome[*][[Replica di Protome (replica in Palazzo Diomede Carafa, Naples, Italy, by Donatello)|]], Winged Putto with a Fantastic Fish[*][[Winged Putto with a Fantastic Fish (statue in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom, by Donatello)|]]  |