Rey de las Españas[*][[Rey de las Españas (1479-1710)|]] rege al Aragonului[*] Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves[*][[Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves (Portuguese noble title of the monarch of Portugal)|]] Lord of the Netherlands[*][[Lord of the Netherlands (Duke of Brabant and Lorraine, Limburg, Luxembourg and Gelderland, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Namur and Zutphen, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Lord of Frisia, Mechelen, and the cities of Utrecht,)|]] duce de Milano[*] count of Holland conte de Burgundia[*] Duce de Brabant (până la ) Rey de Castilla[*][[Rey de Castilla (noble title of the reigning monarch of the kingdom of Castile and transmitted to the monarch of Spain)|]] conte de Barcelona[*] Rey de León[*][[Rey de León (title of nobility held by the head of state of the Kingdom of León, later transmitted to the monarch of Spain)|]] rei de Navarra[*][[rei de Navarra (title of nobility held by the head of state of the Kingdom of Navarre, later transmitted to the monarch of Spain)|]] Rey de Galicia[*][[Rey de Galicia (title of nobility held by the head of state of the Kingdom of Galicia, later transmitted to the monarch of Spain)|]] rege al Granadei[*] rege al Ierusalimului king of Sardinia[*][[king of Sardinia (1300-1713 head of state of the Kingdom of Sardinia)|]]
În ajunul morții sale, în 1665, Imperiul spaniol a ajuns la 12,2 milioane km2 dar în alte privințe a fost în declin, proces la care a contribuit incapacitatea lui Filip de a realiza reforma internă și militară.